
  1. helaofthenorns

    Walking Dead Season 5

    Have you seen the new season of The Walking Dead yet? If you have, what are your thoughts? Did you like it? I liked the season premier. In fact, I think that it's the best one so far. It was very exciting compared to other seasons where the season ender is the only episode that is very...
  2. helaofthenorns

    One a Day for Women

    So, I decided to try One-A-Day Women's because I want to try something new. I read the information provided on their website, and I think that the nutritional component is okay. Has anyone tried this before? What are your thoughts on this brand?
  3. Kate

    Homeless Man Shot and Killed by... *12* Year Old

    I just heard this today. It's hard to comprehend but yes, a 12 year old has been accused of killing a homeless man in Jacksonville, Florida. Seems that kids who have gotten into trouble before have been hanging out during the night at that particular area. :( Any thoughts on what is likely...