Are prison movies accurate?


Well-Known Member
I know they exaggerate everything in Hollywood, but as far as the basics of the way prison life is, do you think most movies/television shows are accurate?


Well-Known Member
I guess it depends on what aspect of jail that the movie is focusing on. I'm pretty sure that jailbreak attempts are foiled much more easily and often in real life. However, aspects like the regimentation and confinement in jails should be fairly close to reality.


Well-Known Member
I know some movies and shows are based on someone's experience. So there's gotta be some truth to it. Aside from fictionalizing somethings for entertainment purposes, it wouldn't surprise me.


Well-Known Member
I think it will depend on where you are put into prison at. I have read a few different peoples accounts of prison life and they say it is nowhere near as bad as you see in movies. I have also read the opposite and seen the same movies you have so I don't know who to believe. I just hope I never ever have to find out.


Well-Known Member
I've never been to prison before but I think most of the basic stuff is accurate enough. Like the living conditions, activities that you are able to do, how they process you and the basis of how it's run and situations are handled. However, you are right in saying that tv producers play it up big, so as for the drama on the prison shows and movies I would say that they can and do happen, but not as often or as stacked as tv may portray it to be.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure of how accurate the prison life is shown in Hollywood. I have never come across any facts that what is shown in prison life could not be accurate. Movies are the only way for most of the people to know more about things like prison. Hence the makers of the movie take the liberty to twist and turn the facts in any way possible.