As an officer have you witness the paranormal?


Well-Known Member
I have not been a witness to the paranormal yet, but I always wondered if there are any cops on this forum who have. I could remember watching the show " Monsters and Mysteries in America" in this one small town I think it was somewhere in Arizona. The monster that this one officer saw was the chupacabra much like the legend. It had sharp teeth and everything and it was skinny.


Well-Known Member
I do not think a lot of officers would ever have witnessed that in their entire life. It seems like a very odd thing and really sad one.


Well-Known Member
I've heard stories of police officers seeing UFOs. Since cops shouldn't lie about thing like those, after reading some of those news reports, my interest in aliens and alien life was piqued. Anyway, if you don't believe me, take a look at the article linked to below:

UFO Sightings by Police Officers
An RCMP officer sat and watched an unidentified flying object for more than an hour earlier this week, another RCMP officer said Friday.
I'm sure cops encounter the paranormal regularly.

Scaredy cops: Mexico police officers capture freaky 'ghost creature' on their station CCTV camera | Daily Mail Online
One cop at the post in Espanola believes he came in contact with a ghost on Saturday night - and has video evidence to prove it.
Deal with criminals and ghosts too?


Well-Known Member
I guess so. Police officers really have a lot of things to deal with everyday, and paranormal could also be one of them.


Well-Known Member
I would be concerned if I called an officer for assistance & he decided to have a conversation with me about seeing paranormal things. I'd prefer that they keep that kind of information inside until my emergency is dealt with.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this is an interesting question. Paranormal activity interests me so much I watch TV programs dealing this subject. The only bizarre thing is that I have never witnessed it too, which leads me to think that the 'paranormal' is all in the mind and nothing more. If in case I will be experiencing one, I'd be happy to share it with you too guys.


Well-Known Member
Notice how in the age of technology (internet, cell phones, cameras in everything we own) all of these crazy sightings and experiences and loud angry hauntings have diminished to mere floaty lint on "reality" tv? What happened to all the crazy stories?

I personally have had experiences that others would say were paranormal, but I do believe, even if they were totally unexplainable otherwise, they weren't ghosts. 2 of my experiences were witnessed by others as well, so I know it wasn't in my head either. Could have been one of our own brains though.. I think it's far more possible our brains could create these things than someone who is no longer with us.

Sorry, I'm not a cop lol..


Well-Known Member
This is a really strange question. I don't think many people have witnessed the paranormal, let alone many cops. You shouldn't only ask for officers witnessing it, it narrows down the amount of answers you are going to get by a whole lot. Hell, you're likely to not get any answer.


Well-Known Member
I think that many cops who think they have seen the other-worldly would probably keep it to themselves for fear of ridicule.