Background Question


Well-Known Member
When I was 18, I worked in a pizzeria. The boss left early so I was closing up. At the end of the night I put the money in the safe. As we were cleaning up someone walked in and wanted something to eat. I told him we were closed. He saw that I had a couple of slices left and asked if he could buy them. I already closed the cash register and I couldn't make an official sale. I sold him both slices and kept the money that he gave me. Well, there were camers set up in the pizzeria so the next day when I came in my boss said he saw what I did and he fired me. When I apply to be a police officer should I disclose what happened, could it possible they would they go that far back and ask my old boss if I was a good employee?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you need to disclose everything. If you don't and when they find out something you didn't disclose, most likely will be disqaulified.