Can you speak other languages?


Well-Known Member
Aside from your native language, what other languages do you know?

Aside from Filipino and English, I can also speak and write in Korean. I am very interested in learning this language because I used to work for a Korean company. Right now, I am enrolled in a class in their cultural center here in my country.


Well-Known Member
I can only speak English and Afrikaans, but I have decided that I am going to learn a new language next year. Being able to speak other languages can be a great asset in many situations. It can also secure you many different types of employment.


Well-Known Member
I can speak 4 languages in all.Tamil,my mother tongue and Hindi,the national language and then English..Then to an extent German.I did learn sanskrit,but its bee na long time,maybe i would have forgotten it.


Well-Known Member
I only speak English and swahili. But I have a likng for French. Planning to visit France Someday and I won't mind knowing some few words here and there.


Well-Known Member
I speak a little German. I have not had much opportunity to work on it since college, but I was able to hold simple conversations when I was in practice.


Well-Known Member
I am fluent in three languages. It's not much of an achievement because where I grew up, whether you chose to or not, you just had to learn three languages for you to communicate with your neighbors. In addition to the three languages [which I won't name] I also know some French. That would make it four but since I'm not fluent . . .


Active Member
My native language is Slovene, but I also speak English (obviously) and German, Serbian to a lesser extent and a few words in Russian. I feel like I should build on what I already know before taking on any new languages.
I often get free stuff from bartenders when I place my order in their native tongue. Does anyone else have the same experience?


Well-Known Member
Apart from my mother tongue, I also speak our national language Swahili and our official language which is English. I have been to school on three occasions to learn French but have never mastered the language. I have not given up hope because I would love to speak in this language.


Well-Known Member
I can speak in Cantonese and I am a native speaker. I can also speak in English and Mandarin. However, I speak so bad and rarely someone understands. Therefore, I am not dare enough to speak those two languages.
How about you guys?? Do you guys know other languages?


Well-Known Member
I can only know English (obviously) and Spanish. I really want to learn Japanese, as well a little French. The are usually a lot of tourists around during the warmer months, and I would love to be able to communicate with them. Yes, I know not only Japanese and French are tourist.


Well-Known Member
I can speak English and Mandarin. I'm keen on learning new languages, but personally I find the steep learning curve and the difficulty in finding people to practice with as major hindrances.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry that I am not fluent in German and Russian because I studied quite a few years. Either cases, I don't have anyone to practice, that is why I am not fluent.


Currently I speak 2 languages. I speak English and French. I now wish I would have taken Spanish seeing as though Bi-Lingual is a necessity. It stinks when people ask am I Bi-Lingual I say yes,and then they are disappointed because I don't speak Spanish. Maybe I will learn!


Well-Known Member
I can understand Spanish if they speak slowly. I can also speak it and get my point across. It is terrible Spanish but I can get my point across. I took it in middle school/high school for 6 years.


Languages are actually my thing. I am the rain man of languages. I speak English, Spanish, French, and Louisiana Creole. Its not that I actually need to speak all of these languages, I just enjoy learning about other cultures and how they do things.


Well-Known Member
I can speak a little arabic, but I need to get more into this language, and more languages in general. America is a melting pot and it's a lot of languages being spoken here. Spanish is growing rapidly, and it can really help to know this language.


Well-Known Member
Yes, English and German. My native language is Romanian, and I started learning English at the age of 4. I've only started learning German fairly recently, and I find it really hard.


Well-Known Member
I think that speaking English is more and more basic for the non-natives, but apart from that there is no real need for extra languages unless you're moving to another country.


Active Member
It really was hard for me to learn languages and I decided not to do it, then I realized the video game, "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" the entire time I was starting to learn dragon language and I can translate about half of the dragon words into English and can sing the theme song in English.

That has opened a huge oppurtunity to me, that I completely learned this made-up language of dragons from some game developer but I cannot learn a normal language that I can be taught? Probably in 2 years I will start a spanish class, french class, etc. I'm not sure, however.


Well-Known Member
Aside from English, I can speak Spanish - badly. Or rather, I learned to speak the language some years ago, and haven't really worked on it at all for some time. I realize that I'm pretty lazy on the language front and certainly want to make more inroads in coming years.