Colorado woman who cut baby out of mother will not face murder charges


Active Member
This literally happened on an episode of Private Practice! Haha. But please at least tell me that she's being charged with attempted murder of the mother!


Well-Known Member
This is a huge slap in the face to the family of that baby! Colorado needs to get its act together and fix this! That poor woman will probably mourn the loss of her child for years to come.


Well-Known Member
It's unfortunate that the woman will get away with murder. Since she committed an offense [violently causing the death of a fetus] I hope that she gets locked for 32 years as the law demands.

"After rejecting a fetal homicide law in 2013, Colorado legislators did pass a measure that makes it a felony to violently cause the death of a mother's fetus. The maximum punishment under that provision is 32 years in prison.

Life in prison would have been the more just punishment though.


Well-Known Member
She is facing other charges; attempted murder, unlawful termination of a pregnancy and first and second degree assault charges. That will mount up to some fair time. Not only states, but countries vary the laws on whether a fetus is alive and for legal purposes can be murdered inside the womb.


Well-Known Member
Whatever the laws are, she's going to spend the rest of her life behind bars - with all these charges against her, she'll never get parole and will probably die before she even becomes eligible.