Do you like math?


Well-Known Member
I took up through Calculus III in college. I understood it, but had really bad test anxiety. I did great in my statistics class, which is good because that is what I work with now. I don't know that I necessarily like it, but I just understand it easily. I like human sciences and regular sciences and anything that means I'm still learning. I'm a nerd.


Well-Known Member
I liked all studies in school ASIDE from Math. I just can't figure out extreme equations, yet I love to philosophize on universal entities and beings outside our planet. I guess we all just have our areas where we are 'weak' in. Nobody is perfect.

I don't mind basic math, and algebra and such, but anything above that the numbers start spinning in my head.


Well-Known Member
Nope, can't stand mathematics. It took me three attempts to pass my GCSE (post-16 UK examination) in the subject and I've avoided it ever since. Luckily, smartphones mean that I've always got a calculator handy so never have to rely on working things out in my head.


Well-Known Member
I agree with a point already made: I like math when money is involved. Counting money that's mine should be the only reason math exists. Just MY money. No, I've always been pretty good at math. It's a necessary evil.


Well-Known Member
Same here. I have never really liked math. Math and I will never ever get along until the end of the world. Actually, one of the reasons I took a Bachelor's degree in English was because I hate math and badly wanted to avoid it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with a point already made: I like math when money is involved. Counting money that's mine should be the only reason math exists. Just MY money. No, I've always been pretty good at math. It's a necessary evil.
Only when money is involved.?
That really isn't the math..:p Real math is Finite element analysis,a pain in the arse in the name of math.God let everyone not have the pain of studying it.


Well-Known Member
The only time I like math is when Im counting money. Other than that I hate it.

I like that. Resonates with me too. I only like math when I'm counting money. Just basic mathematics and not some complex stuff like algebra or statistics. I've never actually applied the hard mathematics that I was taught in high school, so at times I wonder what was the point of learning the complex equations.


Well-Known Member
I gave up maths before I entered high school. We could do that years ago. It just got on my nerves and when it got into algebra and angles etc. I just got lost! No I do not like it and have never found the need for more than the necessary. It is much easier to understand now that I am older and I am able to research whatever I need to know myself.


I enjoy math a lot. I feel like it just takes a while to learn and apply. However, once you learn it, its super fun and easy. I enjoy teaching it too. You have to have a good teacher to have good results.