Do you think the law is too tight or too lenient?


Well-Known Member
Do you think there are some laws that are just ridiculously tight and others that are not tight enough?


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I think most laws on piracy and illegal downloading are over the top, but more often than not it's just a scare tactic by the entertainment industry. One unlucky person gets singled out and slapped with millions of dollars in fines which he obviously can't pay.


Well-Known Member
I would say that laws on organized crime are too lenient, laws on child perpetrators are too lenient, and laws on child offenders are too strict. It throws the book at juvenile delinquents who commit crimes and goes much easier on adults who do the same things.


Well-Known Member
I would say that laws on organized crime are too lenient, laws on child perpetrators are too lenient, and laws on child offenders are too strict. It throws the book at juvenile delinquents who commit crimes and goes much easier on adults who do the same things.

Many people come up with the argument that a minor below the age of 18 is not "mature" enough to understand the consequences of his actions. I disagree with such a sentiment when it comes to serious crimes like murder and rape, the person should have known since young the severity of such actions, it forms the foundation of our social contract. I can accept lesser punishments for lesser crimes which they are less exposed or knowledgable of.


Well-Known Member
I would say that laws on organized crime are too lenient, laws on child perpetrators are too lenient, and laws on child offenders are too strict. It throws the book at juvenile delinquents who commit crimes and goes much easier on adults who do the same things.

I don't think that the judgement should be based on knowing or not knowing when it comes to minors. The problem is the view of the person committing the crime. If the perp is a child the view is more severe than for the same crime committed by an adult. People psych out and want the head of a child who does wrong but can see mercy on the adult who does the same thing. That's my point.


Well-Known Member
I think that sadly too many laws are made at the convenience of the legislator, while others exist but are not applied.


Well-Known Member
I think that sadly too many laws are made at the convenience of the legislator, while others exist but are not applied.

This is very true, it is sad to see how much influence businesses can have on the law through lobbying. The fact that they can get away very lightly for corporate crimes, and even environmental crimes like the BP incident, is disgusting.


Well-Known Member
I think that the law is just right. Every situation is different and therefore requires its own rules. Laws are made for the general public and people interpret them differently. Laws are discussed before they are passed. Sometimes, a law can be reviewed and updated to ensure that it protects the citizens so that they can enjoy a full life.


Well-Known Member
This is very true, it is sad to see how much influence businesses can have on the law through lobbying. The fact that they can get away very lightly for corporate crimes, and even environmental crimes like the BP incident, is disgusting.

Yeah! Having this said laws are necessary to maintain the order, but I think that laws applies just to some, not to all.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely! I find it ridiculous what our laws consider crimes compared to others. I've seen crimes against children get a slap on the wrist, but don't you dare step on the governments toes even a little or you're gone for most of your life lol. We're owned; it's not a comfortable feeling having our lives revolve around rules and morals that aren't our own. I do understand there needs to be a medium, as we can't all agree on anything, but the systems in place just do not fit the times any more.


Well-Known Member
I feel that the laws might be adequate in most cases, just the way some police officers and judges interpret them is that might be too strict or not. We need to be flexible I think.


Well-Known Member
I think it varies from subject to subject. I think the law is too tight on recreational, harmless drugs (and I am glad they are starting to legalize some of the soft ones, as this will help younger people start using them instead of the more hardcore, life-ruining stuff), and I think the law is too lenient on fiscal evasion and other money-stealing crimes used by big corporations and rich people.