Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Ferguson


Individuals who are part of the police force, with all that is happening in today's society, how do you feel about the case about Eric Garner and Ferguson?
Do you think that the black victims in both cases should even be victims at all?
How are you dealing with this hate from the society against the police force?
Are you being hated on? Bashed upon? Angrily questioned?
Are you part of the police force who are containing the riots? Or are you a fellow rioter yourself?

What do you think will happen in the future between the relationships of the Police Force and the Citizens? Will there be trust issues? Will there be even more acts of defiance out of protest for the two black victims?


Well-Known Member
I can only talk about the Ferguson case because the media covered it more. First, all the evidence seemed to point towards the officer firing the shots to defend himself. Then there was a Grand jury hearing to determine whether Wilson should be indicted. They chose not to indict him. What more would anyone ask for? I think since everyone else doesn't have the full facts of what exactly happened we can't tell what exactly what happened. In fact all this never should have been a race-charged issue.

Question should have been: an unarmed citizen had been shot, was the officers action right [given the circumstances?


Well-Known Member
I can only talk about the Ferguson case because the media covered it more. First, all the evidence seemed to point towards the officer firing the shots to defend himself. Then there was a Grand jury hearing to determine whether Wilson should be indicted. They chose not to indict him. What more would anyone ask for? I think since everyone else doesn't have the full facts of what exactly happened we can't tell what exactly what happened. In fact all this never should have been a race-charged issue.

Question should have been: an unarmed citizen had been shot, was the officers action right [given the circumstances?

I think the media polarized it into a race issue, when the underlying reason why the shot was fired was because the police officer was under threat. I think what he did was justified.


Well-Known Member
This topic was bound to come up in a forum about cops I guess. I do think that racism is a live and well in this great country of ours. I also think that people can spin stories into anything they want, and at the end of the day it's up to us to decide what we believe in and what we don't. I think the people that are being targeted are easy target, and people who can pass for those who aren't exactly in the right (weather they actually were is not for me to say). I can view things from both sides and I think that killing someone is NEVER justified, and I also think that there are more peaceful ways to get your point across than rioting.