Fear/Mistrust of Police

Teens In Crisis

Well-Known Member
Do you guys think that it's natural to have a fear/mistrust of the police? I know a lot of people that are strictly "keep the cops out of it" type people.

I personally feel like if you're not doing anything wrong, have nothing to hide, then there is no reason to fear/mistrust the cops.

I'd like to hear some of your opinions. Also, include where you are from (roughly if you don't want to give out too much personal info).
I agree with you 100% OP (original poster). I have encountered numerous people who are unnecessarily afraid to contact the police, even when they are complete not at fault. I feel that unless you are doing something wrong, or trying to hide something illegal, etc., there is no reason at all to be afraid of contacting the police. I try to tell them that the police will only help you, but they don't listen.


Well-Known Member
Hey TIC, nice to see ya here! I'm from Philadelphia and I don't think it's whether I'm doing anything wrong or not. The mistrust comes from the fact that the police are around to protect and serve the community. If there is a crime it's the job of the police to handle it, but where I'm from, the police are actually out looking for trouble. Things like random searches (on mostly Black and Latino citizens) are a complete violation of trust In my opinion. I'm not speaking about the people who clearly are up to no good and get pulled over. But the person who's just minding his/her own business and is treated like a criminal. I get attention from cops for sitting on my stoop. The question, "what're you doing there"? is absolutely insulting to me as if, as an American citizen, there are places that I just don't belong. It just makes me believe that they aren't interested in catching bad guys anymore, but in meeting the monthly quota only. I also believe it has to do with the fact that cops are not only cops but people as well. There's no difference to me between a police officer using a gun and a citizen using a gun. If anyone has a weapon around and I'm unarmed, I'm going to be a little suspicious no matter who you are.


Well-Known Member
I guess I have always had the impression that the cops are very suspicious people in general, or can be at least so they are looking for something wrong so they can nab someone. When I first started biking I was always nervous that I was going to get in trouble for something I didn't even know I was doing wrong, or because something happened where I technically messed up because I didn't see someone starting to cross the road four lanes over because there was a truck blocking my view so I didn't stop in time, or was focused on something else on my side of the road.

I doubt many of them are really that out to get people though, it's just a way of thinking fostered by stories you hear sometimes about the really obnoxious cops.


Well-Known Member
I don't fear the police because I have nothing to hide and my encounters with police have been nothing, but positive. I can see people being afraid if they have heard stories from friends and family. That is going to lead to mistrust. A few bad apples have spoiled the whole lot. That's just a fact.


Well-Known Member
I think it would be pretty natural to at least have a little fear of the police, since after all they possess the capability to arrest and detain you, even if you have done nothing wrong.

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
Hey Camdad! I am from the other side of the Walt Whitman Bridge!

In my area, police are great people who do not know what they may walk into during a traffic stop. They are the coaches for our kids with the PAL sports, therefore the kids are afraid to get caught doing anything bad--they know coach will find out about it. With that being said, I do not have a fear of police. Probably more a fear of getting a ticket and having to deal with that. Most of my interaction has been for traffic stops. But, when my car was hit or when someone assaulted me, the police were there diligently and promptly.