Federal Agents Arrest Man Stockpiling Weapons


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Last year federal agents were investigating a man suspected of selling knockoff NFL jerseys when they came across "one of the most perplexing seizures of weapons in Ohio†history. Authorities discovered an arsenal of 18 guns, including three assault rifles, three 9mm handguns and four shotguns and over 40,000 rounds of ammunition.
Richard Schmidt, 48, was arrested in December and pleaded guilty to federal gun and counterfeiting charges in July. He will be sentenced in October.
“I can’t tell you how he got all those guns and ammunition,†U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach said. “It’s not that I won’t tell you; it’s that I can’t. This is somebody who should never have had one gun, one bullet. But he had an entire arsenal.â€
"For a convicted violent felon to amass an arsenal with 40,000 rounds of ammunition with no red flags popping up is problematic," Scott Kaufman, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, told the newspaper. "No matter where you stand on the gun issue, it makes you wonder. The moment I saw my name in this guy's notebook, I freaked out."
Edward Bryan, Schmidt's attorney, said that his client is merely a "survivalist" and a hoarder who has a history of stockpiling food and gasoline for an apocalyptic event.
"He believes that the world could turn upside down in a day, and, quite frankly, it feels that way sometimes,'' Bryan said. "He's an engaging person who is very well-read and studies various cultures. It's the government's MO to create monsters out of some of the people it prosecutes, and Rick Schmidt is not a monster.''
"He had no intent to cause anyone harm," Bryan continued. "His collection of firearms and ammunition was similar to his collection of other items. He believes that our society may collapse one day, and he had to be prepared for what would happen."
Richard Schmidt was found guilty of manslaughter in the shooting death of a 20-year-old, and he served 13 years in prison.