Have you been inside a police station before


Well-Known Member
I have never been in a police station I have seen a small Youtube vid of what one looks like. I myself have not physically been inside a police station. I think that movies do some good in showing what an ideal design of police station would look like. I would like to see one in person one day not to get into trouble lol. If you been inside a police station before then share your experience.


Well-Known Member
I only dropped by a police station before to return a lost wallet I found. It had a ID card, some money and many credit cards so I think they would be able to track down the owner pretty easily. The policeman who attended to me was really courteous and thanked me for my trouble.


Well-Known Member
I was inside a police station a couple of times, once I had too much to drink and the other someone tried to break in my place, both bad memories.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I have been in several as well as their holding cells. When I was younger I was in trouble for petty crime. County jails can be pretty disgusting unless you happen to live in a community that has recently built a new facility. One of the nastiest had a large room and little alcoves where the bunk beds were. Some of the alcoves were so dirty that they could not be used.


Active Member
Yes I have, when I was young in public school we visited them several times for class "trips." I am to this day thankful for that because it answered many of my questions as a child and I got to see what happens when you make the wrong choices in life. I will make sure my kids one day visit one too. 


Well-Known Member
I have only been to the reception desk, not actually all the way inside. I just went a couple of times, once to get a bicycle license, the other time to report being harassed by HS kids while riding home from work.


Well-Known Member
I have been to a police station before, actually,two different one, it is a tense place to be at, whether you are on the right or wrong side, you just get this feeling of trying to hurry up and get out of there, so many cops around in and out.


Well-Known Member
The only time I have was when I volunteered to do an identity parade. It was quite strange lining up with all these other guys, one of whom was potentially a criminal. And when the woman looked at the line up to try to point someone out, it felt odd. I knew I wasn't guilty of anything but I was still a bit nervous in case I was picked out.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I never have. I have never been inside a police station before. Is it just like the movies?


Well-Known Member
Yes. I applied for a volunteering position at a youth program, so I had to get a background check done. I was actually worried as I had a few parking tickets and traffic violations under my belt, but I guess they were looking for more serious crimes in my record. It was pretty straightforward, pay money for the check, then out in half an hour.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have been to a police station a few times. I once went to report lost documents so that I could obtain some replacements. The reason why we have to report lost documents in my region is in case they are found in a criminal scene. Another time, we were carjacked in a public vehicle and had to go to the police station to report the issue. I went to a police station recently to ask a question because I had some issues with one of my neighbors.


Well-Known Member
I once went there because my car was toed, it was not a pleasant situation, but they did told me where my car was.


Well-Known Member
I have never been in a police station I have seen a small Youtube vid of what one looks like. I myself have not physically been inside a police station. I think that movies do some good in showing what an ideal design of police station would look like. I would like to see one in person one day not to get into trouble lol. If you been inside a police station before then share your experience.

I have been inside a police station severally while on official duties.I had gone get a police abstract and the other time i had gone to lodge a complaint against someone who had assaulted me.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I only saw police stations in documentaries and games (GTA San Andreas, where there was a dildo in the bathroom). I don't feel the need for seeing one either. It's just another place, where people do their job.


Well-Known Member
I have not been in a physical prison cell, but I did visit someone in prison. Just from being in the visiting room was enough for me to see. The prison view is always better from the outside (like driving pass one)then on the inside.


Active Member
Fortunately enough for me I've never had to be in a police station before be it as a person law enforcement was bringing in nor as someone who had to report a crime. Law & Order has given me a close enough representation of what to expect that satisfies any curiosity in going to personally to check anything out.


Well-Known Member
I have been inside one but not inside a jail.I had gone there to give a complaint about the local goons who were pestering tiny children.It proved futile though as those goons bribed them across.


I've personally never been inside of a police station but I can assume there's a lot of stuff going on within one. People writing reports, people handling complaints at the desk, and officers hustling back and forth between scene to scene. You wouldn't want to be caught standing in the middle of a hall. There would be a generally ringing of people talking about you, bouncing off of your ears like bells due to the shouting. Then again, I only want to be in one if I'm rewarded for something, not necessarily for anything else.