Have you ever worked in dispatch?


Well-Known Member
What's the most chilling phone call you've ever received? If you haven't worked in dispatch, what's the most chilling crime story you've ever read in the newspaper?


Well-Known Member
I know someone who took the 911 calls. They weren't supposed to share their calls, but of course I heard many of them lol. The most chilling one? I don't know. (removed story out of respect) it was an awful story. That poor little girl.

She said the call she got the most was family members of men having heart attacks while shovelling snow.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I could work receiving 911 calls, I don't think I would be able to sleep at night while during the day I was receiving calls like that.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately i never have dealt with any calls pertaining to crime.I came here to read the comments,but it doesn't look too scary at all to me.Does anyone have a more scary instance.?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately i never have dealt with any calls pertaining to crime.I came here to read the comments,but it doesn't look too scary at all to me.Does anyone have a more scary instance.?

You'd change your mind about that if someone dies because of a decision you make. That happens a lot. Making the wrong call on a life and death situation. Or listening to people die while they're talking to you. It's a great job in that you truly do save lives on a daily basis, but on the other, you will listen to lives lost at the hands of others, of their own hands or their bodies turning on them and sometimes, because of you too.

I have tons of stories, but it feels disrespectful to use these real people and their stories to try to scare others on a random forum. I shouldn't have shared the one I did. It's scary because they're real people, with real lives that were turned upside down in moments. I couldn't imagine being the little girl I mentioned and how horrible and damaging that was for her. She has to live with that the rest of her life and so does the person that took that call and can't sleep nights because of it. But if you can't put yourself in other's shoes like that; you'd be perfect for the job. I couldn't do it.. the stories I've heard are just too horrible to want to take it on regularly.