How do officers get breaks?


Well-Known Member
I have seen on TV that they will go into a restaurant in uniform. I have seen a local truck stop that seems to be a hangout place for state troopers. How does this work? Do they take a lunch or other break whenever they want (an allotted time)? It would seem unlikely, given the nature of their job that they had scheduled breaks. Does anyone know or can an officer answer me?


Well-Known Member
I have asked officers this same question, and the answer is generally when they can get the time. If you have noticed, most of the time you see the congregation in a coffee shop or cafe, it is usually on a slow day or in the off hours of the day (like Sunday morning). Sometimes they do not get to take a break at all and have to scarf down snacks on their way to calls. Bigger cities have more crime than smaller ones and so it can be hard to even take a lunch break.


Well-Known Member
I suspect that cops can only take a break if things are quiet and would have to drop everything to get back on duty if needed. I suspect this is why donuts are so popular amongst cops! They are quick and easy to eat and don't make much mess or make you reek.