How long have you stayed in your current job position?


Well-Known Member
We all know that it's not good to stick to one job position for too long. It shows signs of stagnation. For those working, I want to know for how long you've stayed in that position and what you are currently doing to climb the ladder or move on?


Well I have been an independent contractor for about 5 years now. It is actually pretty nice. Knowing that I am setting my own schedule. I am not doing just 1 main thing all the time. It is always something different. Keeps me on my toes. I love doing what I do.


Well-Known Member
I stayed with the same company for over 10 years. Had I had more foresight I would have got out a long time ago. Now I'm looking for different opportunities but have no intention of ever staying at the same place for that long again.


Well-Known Member
I have stayed in my job for the past three years. I have tried many other jobs but I think this one is much better than the others. I totally love my job and I hope to stay in it for quite a long time. I enjoy being a part of my job.


Well-Known Member
I worked in my last place of employment for four years. I left to work from home following my passion of writing. Today I am asking everyone I know about a secretarial position for the social aspect of it. We never know how important something is until we lose it. I miss my old job and I look forward to being employed.


Well-Known Member
I have never been able to stay at a certain position for very long. I think it's mainly because subconsciously I know it's not what I REALLY want to be doing for a living. I had my last job for the longest of all my jobs, and that was only seven months. My job before that was about four or five.


Well-Known Member
Im going on about 8 years unemployed. I had a broken leg that prevented me from working at my previous job for awhile, when I finally would have been able to return I got a blood clot which meant no more working around the chemicals. Since then I have been trying to do odd jobs that will pay anything that can help out the family.


Well-Known Member
I just passed out last year and have been working on a government project for some months now.I reckon around 4-5 months.I need to learn a lot from here and this is pretty much a good learning curve.