How often do police encounter people threatening them?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how often officers are threatened on the job. You would think that being in uniform would dissuade people from doing that but I've seen otherwise. So, how often are police threatened with legal consequences or physical violence?


Well-Known Member
A cop I knew who to be honest wasn't what you'd call "the model cop" was constantly being threatened by almost everyone he came in contact with. At the time he was a LEO he was a violent bastard. He beat up most suspects he arrested and was fired when he assaulted the local police chief. I think for such cops who have a hard time controlling their temper, they [just] have to get used to being threatened . . .


Well-Known Member
It probably depends on the neighborhood they are working in. I have not heard of that happening much at all in my area, in fact can't think of a single instance. I would think it would be much more common in areas where there are a lot of criminal activity.


Well-Known Member
I think it would depend on whether the officer was alone, and if he was visibly armed. Most people would think twice about threatening a police officer if he had his weapon drawn or was with backup.


Well-Known Member
I agree it probably depends on the neighborhood. I've never heard of it happening in my town, but closer to the inner-cities in my state, violence against the police happens a lot.