If you could meet anybody in history, past or present, who would it be?


Well-Known Member
I would love to meet Ramanujan sir.His magic square is just awesome.I have often wondered how he managed to create these things.I could attach a video i have on my phone,but i don't know how to send it here.
It makes you stand up and applaud,such is the awesomeness of that video.


I would like to meet my ex girlfriend cause she moved away from me and we can't see each other anymore.


Well-Known Member
I would have loved to meet Martin L. King Jr which I would loved to have asked him how he was able to get through those chaotic times in his day. I would have loved to ask Martin L. King Jr about the presidential term of President John F. Kennedy during the civil rights movement. Another person I would have to loved to meet would have been George Washington Carver. I would have asked him about why was not able to find a wife during his life. If he were married would that have changed his legacy years later? There are so many historical figures in this world and only a small window of opportunity to meet them.


Well-Known Member
I would really want to meet Jane Austen, Abraham Lincoln, and Bram Stoker. I want to know what inspired these people to do the amazing things they are known for. I want them to give insights on current events.


Well-Known Member
I would like to meet Daniel Steel the author. I would want to have a conversation with her to find out how she is able to write so many great stories. There was a time I was on the lookout for any of her books. I actually took the journey taken by her characters.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say Einstein too! I would love to have a debate with Froid though.. that would be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Great question, I think I would like to meet an alien, someone who could talk to me about the mysteries of life and death and other worlds.

If in this world, maybe Roger Federer? :)


I would love to meet my paternal grandmother. She died two days after giving birth to my father. I have heard my dad repeat stories he had heard, and I've seen pictures. But I would give anything to be able to meet her and get to know her. As well as tell her about her great grandchildren and how well they have turned out.


Active Member
I think I would have to say musician Frank Zappa. He died when I was very little, and he has been an immense influence on not only my music, but my outlook on life as well. From what I know about his life, he was a bit of a jerk, but I could not pass up the possibility of meeting him, or just even seeing him in concert.


Well-Known Member
I would love to me a lot of people from history, most of them are famous authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, and J.D. Salinger. I would also like to meet some renaissance royalties like Mary and Anne Boleyn, also Marie Antoinette of France. I just have huge fascination with aristocracy and their lives have been really controversial, so I'd like to know more about them personally.


Well-Known Member
Genghis Khan is one person I would want to meet, though he would probably kill me for trying to talk to him. I mean he was one of the most fearsome Mongolian warriors of the 13th century. And it seemed like everyone feared him. Hes like a super hero of that time...Except for the killing and pillaging.