Insurance Pays Man's Settlement With Buckets Of Change


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An elderly man received his $21,000 settlement in buckets full of coins. California insurance company, Adriana's Insurance Service, Inc. decided to pay off Andres Carrasco court settlement in loose change.
Andres Carrasco, 73, reached a settlement with Adriana's Insurance Service, in June following a lawsuit he filed back in 2012 in which he alleged an employee of the company physically assaulted him. The company paid part of his settlement with a check but also in buckets of change that amount to more than $21,000.
"Adriana's Insurance, is this the way you treat everyone?" Carrasco said in a statement. "Why don't you like your clients?"
Antonio Gallo, Carrasco's attorney said eight employees from Adriana's insurance company showed up to his office in a van carrying five-gallon containers full of coins. They placed them in the waiting room and then left.
“There’s over 16 buckets of quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies. It’s going to take us at least, conservatively, one week to count that whole amount of money,†said Gallo.
Carrasco could couldn't lift any of the buckets because recently had a hernia operation from a hernia.
He said is still too weak to lift up the buckets of change. “It’s too heavy,†Carrasco said.
"I am disappointed by the way Adriana's treats their customers and the elderly,†Carrasco said in a statement. "We might be poor, but we are people too."
Adriana's Insurance company did not respond to requests for comment.
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Well-Known Member
Why would a professional insurance company behave this way; I guess there is more to this story. Since the insurance company is not willing to comment; we do not have the full story. If I was in this position, I would take a week off and count my money to ensure that they have paid in full. I will take it to the bank, enjoy it and forget about this insurance company.


Well-Known Member
That's exactly how I think, they are just losing customers by acting this way, no chance I would want to work with them.


Well-Known Member
Whether the company liked the decision or not, this just serves to show how completely unprofessional they are.
They might have had a few laughs when doing this, but I bet they lose customers in the long run and won't be laughing then.