Lip Prints Unique as Fingerprints

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
Did you know lip prints are as unique as finger prints?

A female bank robber took the money and ran so fast out the door, she banged right into the glass, leaving a perfect lipstick imprint of her lips.

It turned out a tip identified the robber as a man who dressed as a woman for the bank job. They used the lip prints to prove it!


Well-Known Member
That's the first time I've heard of such a thing. In any case it would certainly be weird if the police kept a set of everyone's lip prints! I guess that the police must have had a prime list of suspects to work with first, otherwise this would not have worked.


Well-Known Member
How interesting this story is. I have never heard anything like this. I learn something new everyday. It is not surprising that our lip prints are unique as fingerprints. Now that I have read about this I will do some further research. I love to learn new things.


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha..Thats interesting and i never really knew about this thing.Well this may not be of any use in finding criminals because maintaining a record of lip prints is a tough ask.
In this case it was fking hilarious and when you actually imagine the instance in a real life way then you might have a laugh riot.


Well-Known Member
I did actually know that, thanks to Perry Mason :) Love that show. I think it's really cool how we are all so unique that no two people have the same fingers, lips, toes ect.


Well-Known Member
The funny thing about this topic is that I first learned about it from the Catwoman movie that was starring Halle Berry. You know the scene where her lip imprints from the cup and the lip imprints on the cops cheek were compared and analyzed and that's how he confirmed her identity. I know that the movie is fictional, but that doesn't mean the movies don't spit out the truth every know and then, and that is being seen a little more each year in fictional movies.


Well-Known Member
I had never thought that lip prints could be unique also. I have always thought that the fingerprints are the sole thing that is unique in a human body. Although the lip prints are quite unique I do think that the it is quite difficult to find the right correct criminal with its help. I think some other proofs are also very critical in such situation.


This is interesting, thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard of lip prints being as unique as finger prints before, but it does make sense. I wonder how much a lip print would change from different factors such as pursing your lips differently or having chapped lips. Finger prints are probably easier to use, but it's great that they were able to identify the criminal from the lip print in this case.

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
I actually saw it on Autopsy on HBO which forensic pathologist Michael Baden.. a well respected crime fighter! If you can find it on youtube, there is a video of the man running right into the glass door from the bank camera.