NYPD Officers Savagely Beaten In Brooklyn


Well-Known Member
Two cops searching for a robbery suspect thought they'd found who they were looking for when they found a group of men "hanging out" in the stairwell near the 3rd floor of the apartment house. They attempted to handcuff the all the suspects but things didn't quite turn out as they expected.

The suspects used their superior numbers to their advantage. They fell upon the police officers, kicking, punching etc, then fled.

The injured officers called for back up and their colleagues arrested four of the bastards.

NYPD cops badly beaten by suspects during arrest | New York Post


Well-Known Member
This is one of the problems with gangs, numbers are a threat and back up may not be enough or get there in time. Hence some have to use reasonable force because few will put their hands up and go quietly. If people don't cooperate with the police then they will be suspicious and have a right to detain them, but the job of being on the police force is never easy either way.


Well-Known Member
Were the officers unarmed? It surprises me that some police officers seem to have too much trigger discipline while others fire at the slightest notion of a threat. I think use of firepower would have been justified in such a scenario.


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for the two police officers for getting beaten by this group. However, they must have assessed the situation first before taking action. They should have called the back-up team first before trying to handcuff those people. Anyway, I've got to applaud their courage for doing such thing.


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for the two police officers for getting beaten by this group. However, they must have assessed the situation first before taking action. They should have called the back-up team first before trying to handcuff those people. Anyway, I've got to applaud their courage for doing such thing.

You can't anticipate these things in a NY apartment block where 1000s of people live. If they all decide to come out and gang up on you, then no amount of back up will help. They were doing house to house inquiries and didn't need back up as they were questioning and then the suspects decided to come out of their apartments. It's not practical to call for back up when you handcuff a suspect, that's why they do it then call for back up.


Well-Known Member
Ever feel like there may be more to the story? I always try to weigh both sides. Perhaps these gentlemen in the hallway were not the 'droids they were looking for'? Perhaps they've been hassled many a time before & were just trying to get away before they were arrested for doing something they had no part in? Or they are the droids...? :p


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for the God fearing and justice loving cops, who don't have an itchy trigger finger. I think it's unfair for them that everyone instantly takes the bad guys' part, adopting a "fuck the police" way of thinking. This is definitely horrible, and I think everyone should learn about this.