NYPD Polce Commissioner Blames Colorado Weed Legalization For Increased Shootings


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Yes, it was bound to happen and will get worse. So the defense will be they were under the influence and cannot be held responsible for their actions now? The crime rate will go up, but how many can they convict and does it deter anyone? Probably not.


Well-Known Member
It is interesting to hear the debate, but honestly, I believe that things will be much safer if it is legal, because then at least people are able to buy it from reputable sources, which means that you can be sure what it is in. The types of drugs that are sold on the street are obviously not regulated, and this means that you will never know what you're taking into your own body, or the damage that it might well be causing you over the time during which you choose to take it. If measures are put in place to make sure that people are allowed to get their hands on safe amounts of the drug, this should go some way towards making sure that we are able to keep track on things like this in the future without it getting out of hand.


Well-Known Member
Legalizing drugs is something I am totally against because drugs are not a good thing, so what's the point in making them legal? Don't we already suffer enough with alcohol?


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I believe that it's possible, because people will be stubborn and abuse the use of that particular drug. So I can see where he is coming from. If they would take that drug away I believe there would be a drop in shootings.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how shootings in Denver have dropped by 24% though isn't it? There are 1600 miles approx. between New York and Colorado so how the NYPD commissioner has come to this conclusion is anyones guess. He's clearly just scaremongering to try and prevent similar laws being passed in his state.


Well-Known Member
NYPD is looking for someone to blame, huh? Well, I just hope they would not take up the idea of legalizing marijuana in their state. It's too much to handle already. Drugs should not all be legal.


Well-Known Member
They are clearly trying to put a blame where there is no proof of it being a cause... Probably to prevent that it gets legalized in NY. Maybe they just like the useless war on drugs better, who knows, but why would anyone make an article about such a useless claim?