Oregon State Police Video Captures Fatal Freeway Shooting


Well-Known Member
An Oregon State Police cruiser's dash cam recorded a gun battle after a traffic stop last August. John Van Allen II, 34, the motorist who was stopped, was killed. The officer suffered a gunshot wound. He was treated for his injury at a hospital in The Dalles and released.
Wow, I didn't see this video before. As soon as the guy started coming at him he should have had his weapon on him and ready to fire. As soon as the guy got out of the car he had his hand behind his back, that should've been a warning to the officer. This would make a great training film of what or what not to do
had he driver taken the ticket,he would have at least been alive now.Sad that the kids had to see him die.That was a good move by the trooper but why didn't the trooper have a vest on..?
An Oregon State Police cruiser's dash cam recorded a gun battle after a traffic stop last August. John Van Allen II, 34, the motorist who was stopped, was killed. The officer suffered a gunshot wound. He was treated for his injury at a hospital in The Dalles and released.

This was disturbing because it reminds me of what you officers have to face daily as a possibility. Thank you for that, and for choosing the career you chose.

Was this video changed or something on YouTube? The suspect drives away on the video I'm seeing. The officer was shot, but... ?? Was the same suspect stopped again later and killed?
As soon as the guy started coming at him he should have had his weapon on him and ready to fire. As soon as the guy got out of the car he had his hand behind his back, that should've been a warning to the officer. This would make a great training film of what or what not to do

How were you able to tell that the officer didn't have his weapon pulled? He was not visible, and I heard him saying to get back in the car "NOW!" but no way to tell if he had his gun pulled or not.

Actually as I envisioned what was going on "behind the dash cam" so to speak, I assumed he *did* have it pulled and on the suspect. What am I missing here?

Maybe the video was updated or switched before I saw it? Someone else mentioned kids seeing someone die, but all this video showed was him driving away.
Was there a different video before? Because I didn't see anyone die, nor was the officer ever visible in the video. Also, the suspect looked to be wearing a military combat uniform, I could be wrong, the video wasn't the greatest of quality but it appeared to be.
Was there a different video before? Because I didn't see anyone die, nor was the officer ever visible in the video. Also, the suspect looked to be wearing a military combat uniform, I could be wrong, the video wasn't the greatest of quality but it appeared to be.

Oh thank you, ItsZiggy! I was beginning to think I was seeing things (or in this case, NOT seeing things that were there.) In the clip I saw (and apparently you, too) there was no way to know whether the officer had his gun drawn, but I'd put a bet on 98% he did. He's not just going to stand there when someone gets out of a car, has hands behind him, and ignores repeated instructions to get back into the car.

There was also no suspect dying on the clip... but hold on a sec. Okay, nosy Kate had to look it up. This suspect did die... he drove about half a mile and then stopped. Kind of proves that the officer did indeed have his gun pulled, doesn't it?

Oh and the suspect had been in the military at some point, so you're right about what he was wearing.

This happened a year ago, by the way. I hadn't realized that someone pulled it to the top again.
Oh thank you, ItsZiggy! I was beginning to think I was seeing things (or in this case, NOT seeing things that were there.) In the clip I saw (and apparently you, too) there was no way to know whether the officer had his gun drawn, but I'd put a bet on 98% he did. He's not just going to stand there when someone gets out of a car, has hands behind him, and ignores repeated instructions to get back into the car.

There was also no suspect dying on the clip... but hold on a sec. Okay, nosy Kate had to look it up. This suspect did die... he drove about half a mile and then stopped. Kind of proves that the officer did indeed have his gun pulled, doesn't it?

Oh and the suspect had been in the military at some point, so you're right about what he was wearing.

This happened a year ago, by the way. I hadn't realized that someone pulled it to the top again.

Well, I suppose it's a good thing he didn't die on camera in case any children watched this video. However if you look closely as the suspect is crouched at the front of the cruiser you can see he has a bullet wound in his left shoulder that wasn't there before, confirming the officer did in fact shoot him in this clip.
I recognized the drags pretty much right away as my family has a long military history, I've spent a lot of time on military bases and evidently I'm pretty familiar with the combat uniform. The bright side to this video is the officer survived this brutal and thoughtless act of violence, and not only brutal but completely unnecessary as he probably would've only received a ticket at worst. Overall, the worst possible way he could have handled it, perhaps he was on drugs?
Well, I suppose it's a good thing he didn't die on camera in case any children watched this video. However if you look closely as the suspect is crouched at the front of the cruiser you can see he has a bullet wound in his left shoulder that wasn't there before, confirming the officer did in fact shoot him in this clip.

Yes... good thing for sure. Only... I also read that he had his children in the car. This goes beyond any explanation anyone could have about things like this happening. His KIDS saw him get out and shoot a police officer and then die in front of them. No way they'll not be scarred for life.

The only thing I can think of (unless drugs were involved as you suggested) was that since he had custody of the children and was on the way to move back to the East Coast (yeah, you can find anything on the 'Net!) that he somehow thought the kids were going to be taken. How that equates to shooting the officer who pulled you over is something my brain can't comprehend, so I won't try.
Yes... good thing for sure. Only... I also read that he had his children in the car. This goes beyond any explanation anyone could have about things like this happening. His KIDS saw him get out and shoot a police officer and then die in front of them. No way they'll not be scarred for life.

The only thing I can think of (unless drugs were involved as you suggested) was that since he had custody of the children and was on the way to move back to the East Coast (yeah, you can find anything on the 'Net!) that he somehow thought the kids were going to be taken. How that equates to shooting the officer who pulled you over is something my brain can't comprehend, so I won't try.

Wait, what?! His kids were with him?! Now I'm sure there were drugs involved. No one in their right mind would see shooting a police officer as a good way to keep their kids. Okay maybe not so sure about the drugs but still, that's not a healthy mind's way of thinking, that's just insanity.

That's actually very unsettling, not only that a man in the military would be such an idiot and do what he did but that he was a father as well, I feel for his kids, I cannot imagine how badly that will scar them. I see years of therapy in their future :(
It appears you have been here long enough after all.
I was reading through the comments on that site and I have to say they're amusing to say the least.
This one however, was my absolute favorite, it had me laughing for a solid minute or two.
Screenshot 2014-08-08 19.32.02.png
This is the terrifying reality of being a cop in the US. Everyday could be the day you are fired at, and this is why I salute the countries serving officers. I am glad the cop recovered fully.
Besides being wrong it is extra shocking that he would put the children in harms way like that. If someone has a death wish that's one thing , but leave innocent people out of it.