Protein Intake


Active Member
I was wondering what you feel is an adequate amount of protein to intake? I have read and researched that you should intake a pound per body weight, but that is a really hard feat for me. I strive to balance my micros and keep my sugars low, but I can never get my allotted protein intake. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
I am fairly new to the protein world, but I think that if you go to a store or at your local gym that they can give you a good advice.


I was wondering what you feel is an adequate amount of protein to intake? I have read and researched that you should intake a pound per body weight, but that is a really hard feat for me. I strive to balance my micros and keep my sugars low, but I can never get my allotted protein intake. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

You need 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of "LEAN" body mass. If you are a boese 500 pound man, you shouldn't be taking 500 grams of protein a day.

Now if you are a body builder, then naturally you need more then 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of body mass.


Well-Known Member
That is great information, I have always wondered myself, about the appropriate amount of protein intake, that we should take, I now know that I do need to consume 140g of protein per day.


Well-Known Member
It depends on whether you're aiming to bulk up, if you're current living a very active lifestyle or just doing sedentary work. I would think that 200 grams is more than enough for most active police officers.


Well-Known Member
First of all, the majority of people, unless you are an ultra-endurance athlete, will be consuming sufficient protein.
Recommendations I have seen say around 0.8g per KG of bodyweight in inactive, 1.2g per KG if you are active.
This is not saying that more protein is bad, its just not as significant as people think. I would say its more significant that you are eating protein within 2hours pre workout and 1hour post workout.

In a overall view:
Protein promotes muscle regeneration and repair
Carbohydrate limits muscle breakdown and fatigue

If you are looking to bulk, you basically need to eat more. Yes this will make you heavier and fatter, thats kind of the point. You will also gain muscle too. The amount of muscle you gain depends on the amount of resistance training and how clean you eat.

If you are looking to cut, I would suggest a low carb diet for two reasons 1) Its easy to cut out the processed grains and sugars 2) It allows you to eat a good amount of protein and maintain muscle mass.

I wouldn't actually go to a protein store to ask for this advice, they will advise you to sell their products. The best is probably to look at some unbiased websites which are research based. Exrx and Bodyrecomposition are great references which you will have to Google because I can't post links yet.

I'll end with don't listen to one person or take advise from one source. Ask why they recommend that, what evidence/research do they have?


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should look into a protein shake. I use something called Sprullina. It's a sea plant and it has more protein then any meat source. Protein is not only found in meat. Beans, grains, and even greens.


Active Member
Really depends on your weight and what you are trying to do. If you're into working out, then I suggest intaking more protein that an average person would. You can accomplish this through protein powder, and meals that involve chicken/other foods rich in protein. Be careful though! Protein effects the liver if you take in too much!


Well-Known Member
I actually found something that's a great protein add to my day in the form of a snack: It's called Rise Bar & it has three ingredients in total. There's almonds, honey, & whey protein isolate. Super healthy & simple protein boost.


For me I keep it around a maximum of .8 grams per lbs of body weight. Don't worry too much tho about not getting enough protein it actually depends on your goals and how active or sedentary you are. The main benefit I get from protein aside from building muscle is that it keeps me satiated for longer periods of time instead of just snacking on carbs.