Question on how to act in a potentially dangerous environment


What are your tips on how a civilian should act in a potentially dangerous environment?
Like walking in a dark alley with possible muggers hiding in the dark...
Perhaps maybe some advice on body language and that sort of stuff so you don't become an easy target?


Well-Known Member
The best advice would to avoid being in there in the first place. I know a man who was a martial artist and he thought walking around in the dark in known dangerous places was OK for him because he could protect himself. One night while walking home drunk he was stabbed 39 times and everything he had was stolen. His stupid bravado had cost him his life.

If you are in a dangerous place just try to appear confident but should muggers "materialize" from the dark alleys just hand over your wallet. You'll live to make more money in future. But if it's not absolutely necessary you go through the dangerous area, find a hotel, spend the night there and go home in the morning.


Well-Known Member
This is a great question and I believe there has to be a protocol for these situations, I mean, precisely because of dangerous situations that police officers get training. One should be super alert in those cases.


Well-Known Member
No sane person would walk down a dark alley alone, most are short cuts so you take the long way around. If you have to then call someone on your phone and make it obvious there is someone who knows where you are and I take a small flashlight with me on my key chain anyhow.

When I used to get home late from school I would walk around the park by houses and in the middle of the road to be safe in case anyone did jump put behind a car or tree.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, whoa a lot of people are talking about not walking down a dark alley & how horrible that is but the truth of my life is that people have attempted to rob me multiple times & it was always in pretty populated areas. I walk down alleys & ride down alleys with no problem. The suggestion I would give you if you find yourself in a potentially dangerous environment is to have some form of protection. You always have a form of protection on you even when unaware: Keys & phone are good examples. Also there are things around you that you should keep in mind can be helpful. As far as how you should carry yourself: Confidant. I know a lot of people do not subscribe to the idea that people can sense fear but I do. If I wanted to rob or hurt someone it wouldn't be the confidant person who looks like they can handle themselves it would be the paranoid person behind them.


Well-Known Member
Joan, I agree with most of what you said, but in America, where people carry guns, a paranoid person may be prepared to fire a whole bunch of ammo!