Video: Baltimore TSA & Airport Police assault journalist for filming at checkpoint


Staff member
  • Adam gets assaulted by Baltimore Airport Police and TSA agents for exercising his right to film government agents in public. Police threaten him with arrest for refusing to show ID and provide his birth date. Hilarity ensues, but does he get arrested or make his flight?


This guy is an asshole, why is he only concerned about terrorists? Why doesn't he ask how many people the TSA has prevented going onto a plane with a gun or a knife. Adam is basically a person with his head up his ass and hates the thought that even people with less intelligence than him make more money than him.


Well-Known Member
That goes to prove just how much democratic space is enjoyed in America. Try doing that in most African countries and you'll definitely get in trouble. The TSA are doing a great job though despite minor lapses like failing to keep laptops in different places,just like the journalist indicated.


New Member
Re: Video: Baltimore TSA & Airport Police assault journalist for filming at checkpoin

I Agree With You Jeremy.


Well-Known Member
Re: Video: Baltimore TSA & Airport Police assault journalist for filming at checkpoin

While he was asserting his rights, he was also being an idiot by not cooperating. When you are asked for ID you show it rather than argue. In the UK you are not allowed to film anywhere when you go through security. I think people like him don't help security at all and I am amazed at how patient the TSA agents were. I have had some difficult ones, but sometimes the Constitution is misinterpreted. Rights were given to protect people from authorities, not test them or put them in their place and he was clearly provoking them, thus had cause for suspicion.


Well-Known Member
Re: Video: Baltimore TSA & Airport Police assault journalist for filming at checkpoin

This guy just seems like a dick. He should have cooperated and shouldn't have been such a whiny loser.