I wonder if there will come a day when this violence will come to ease up, that would be a great achievement, for there will be peace.
Peace would always be a empty bowl lying on the ground. Even if you could create a treaty between citizen and criminal there is always lines that are crossed from either side. Violence has been there since the beginning of time when the first set of life was on Earth. I am no scientist but I don't think that we would be able to be in peace even with more strict laws violence would persist.
I wonder if there will come a day when this violence will come to ease up, that would be a great achievement, for there will be peace.
Regardless of all the sources available to us you would not be able to stop the violence. More strict gun laws would just amp up the criminals who are already here. Then you would have more chaos likes riots. I would not even go there with that nonsense because many law makers have failed more than the rounds in the guns magazine. I would not blame the police for being on edge especially since the Jersey police station got shot up a while back.This is the way I see it, too. "World peace" with people hugging and dancing on rainbows in lala land just isn't going to happen. World peace... or even city peace isn't going to happen just because people chant for it.
When I was a kid, it seemed possible. When I was a teenager, I wrote poems about it. But then I became an adult and the reality that it just wasn't realistic hit me. The idea of "world peace" really is just an illusion. Hamas and ISIS, etc. truly are *not* going to ever want to play nice.
*Sooooo* the answer is finding the tools to best deal with it instead of trying to "chant it away." Oh great, now I have that old Give Peace a Chance song going through my head... if I start swaying like a hippy, stop me!