Virginia Arsonist To Be Sentenced On 9/4/14


New Member
Tonya Susan Bundick, the 42 year old from Hopeton, Virginia on Virginia's Eastern Shore who was part of a string of nearly 80 arson fires during the winter of 2012 on to April Fools of 2013, will be sentenced in Accomack County Court on two consipracy to commit arson charges and one full arson charge on Sept. 4, 2014.

Bundick and her then fiance', Charles Smith aka Charles Applegate, were said to have been the masterminds behind the 80 arsons on the Eastern Shore. It was on April Fools of 2013 when the pair was stopped on U.S. Highway 13 in Melfa just after setting a house on fire less than a mile down the road. Smith admitted his involvement while Bundick denied it. It was noted that the string arsons were the biggest case of the crime in the history of the state of Virginia. Smith has already been tried and pled guilty to 68 counts of arson charges but has yet to be sentenced.


Well-Known Member
I can't even begin to image in the costs and economic impact of such crazy behavior, a sentence will never be able to reflect that and what it has cost other people. Shame.


New Member
I can't even begin to image in the costs and economic impact of such crazy behavior, a sentence will never be able to reflect that and what it has cost other people. Shame.

The only good thing is that they mostly abandoned buildings but there were several that were in good standing ie. an old motel and an old restaurant that was vacant and was getting ready to be auctioned off.


New Member
That is crazy. What could possible be the thrill of burning all of the buildings down. I know we just had a guy arrested in Daytona Florida who is suspected of burning down several homes. No one was hurt and the guy is from Georgia. It is one crime I don't understand at all.


Well-Known Member
I will never be able to understand what must be going through someone's mind in order to make them behave in such a way. The cost on the taxpayer must be huge to take people like this to trial - people who have done things for no apparent reason, and who have gained nothing from their actions. I believe that punishments should be more harsh for people who commit crimes without a plausible motive, because it does nothing but wastes police time and money.


Well-Known Member
Charles Smith (her accomplice) stated that arson helped him with his impotence. And that when he would commit arson, Tonya would be happier.

Heavens to betsy. I'm sure glad these people were caught. It sounds like they need a fair amount of mental health help, too.


Well-Known Member
Well that bites to be her she burns down buildings only to get burned herself. Her fiance should not have been a part of this arsonist ring. I would have burn my butt to somewhere else. Now if Tonya Bundick is supposed to be 40 years old she was old enough to know better.


Well-Known Member
I don't get what the fascination is with blowing up things. I can only imagine what they were like as children if they can do this as adults. Of course she was going to end up being burned eventually and she can't say that it was anyone else's fault but her own.


Well-Known Member
I don't get what the fascination is with blowing up things. I can only imagine what they were like as children if they can do this as adults. Of course she was going to end up being burned eventually and she can't say that it was anyone else's fault but her own.
its a very sick pleasure for those kind of people. I do not know how they want to see a building that does not belong to them go up in smokes.


Well-Known Member
I read that Tonya Bundick was sentenced to ten and a half year behind bars for her involvement in two arson fires last year.Bundick was also sentenced to two seven year terms for arson and conspiracy to commit arson for a fire on April 1, 2013 and more sentencing is expected.


Well-Known Member
I read that Tonya Bundick was sentenced to ten and a half year behind bars for her involvement in two arson fires last year.Bundick was also sentenced to two seven year terms for arson and conspiracy to commit arson for a fire on April 1, 2013 and more sentencing is expected.
Tonya would then come out a 52 year old lady. I don't know if her boyfriend got the same sentence.


Well-Known Member
What a way to use the April fools day, they don't get the point, it is a fools day not reality,she needs to be sentenced, because there is not enough reason to even give for her actions, which caused a lot of damage.


Well-Known Member
I think that these crimes need to be punished more severely and faster, they cost lives and have a huge impact on society.


Well-Known Member
I agree Peninha, a case like this can't take over a year to be decided, it really shows how slow our justice system is and it needs to be improved.


Well-Known Member
I read that Tonya Bundick was sentenced to ten and a half year behind bars for her involvement in two arson fires last year.Bundick was also sentenced to two seven year terms for arson and conspiracy to commit arson for a fire on April 1, 2013 and more sentencing is expected.
Did they say anything about her getting parole or probation? I mean its economic damage that would take some time to recover. She gets ten and a half years in prison.


Well-Known Member
I am glad that these two were caught before they started expanding their locations. I know that it was said that they only burnt down abandoned buildings but it is a possibility that abandon buildings would start to get old for them and they would find better targets and possibly murder.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, arson is a serious crime and I don't get how people receive such light sentences for doing it, sentences should be way more severe.