What are a few things that disqualify you from being a police officer?


Well-Known Member
I was curious if there is a specific place to look into obtaining this information. Also, is it different in each state? Are there things that may disqualify you in Florida that would not in New York? I'm also curious if there is a time frame associated with these disqualifications. Like if you were convicted of a crime a decade ago, does it still affect your application?


Well-Known Member
I'm certain a criminal record would bar you from entering many professions, including the police force. Other factors which I could think of would be health issues (while there are overweight cops usually police recruits are in the healthy weight range) and psychiatric issues.


Well-Known Member
I think that doing criminal actions certainly disqualify you to be an officer. Apart from that they need to follow all the rules or else I am pretty sure they aren't accepted.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, but I do believe that a person can still be a police officer if they have a less then perfect criminal record. Like maybe some petty crime from teen years like maybe shop lifting if it were a one time thing.


Well-Known Member
I ain't physically fit and moreover, when I did take up the test I was asked to bribe a lump sum to be declared fit.it was disheartening but then I realized this wasn't for me.it is often like this in here and the situation doesn't look like changing even in the near future.