What are some of your favorite Cop movies of all time?


Well-Known Member
It would be a toss up between Training Day and Beverly Hills Cop. They're both classic films but with very different takes on the profession! But they're both worth having in your collection.


Well-Known Member
The first that comes to mind right now it Robocop, I wish police offices could be bullet proof like that robot is.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone remember Turner and Hooch with Tom Hanks? I always liked that one because the dog was so ugly! It's a feel good, buddy story and I highly recommend it!
Robocop is one of my all time favorites.

I saw one on Netflix a few months ago that I really liked. Its called "End of Watch." Its shot in the same shaky camera style that movies like "The Blair Witch Project" were shot it, but it is entirely about the lives of these two LA cops. It's a bit far-fetched, plot wise, but both the actors in it were great, and I liked how everyone had a human element. No one is ever portrayed as anything but a three-dimensional person trying their best in a hard job. Can't recommend it more.


Well-Known Member
I like Training day, all Die hard and Lethal weapon movies.
I loved the Die Hard movies man that John Mcclain was a badass. He did not care about who he was dealing with as long they did not mess with him he was fine. I thought Training Day was quite awesome too especially seeing Denzel Washington as a corrupt cop and showing that there are cops who are that way.


Well-Known Member
I would go with Bad Boys and Bad Boys 2. Classic, overly violent, bad-mouthed cops doing crazy stuff with explosions everywhere. I'm actually quite sad that Will Smith got docile and became a polite, mature actor in his more recent movies :p


Well-Known Member
I am watching Chicago PD right now and even if it's not a movie it's a great show, anyone watching it?


Well-Known Member
I suggest you guys watch End of Watch. It's shot in a way so you get a first person perspective of the scenes. The ending was quite lame but still highly recommended. I also like The Raid: Redemption. The fighting scenes in that movie was just plain awesome!


Well-Known Member
I have enjoyed watching police academy back in the 90's. It has a good sense of humor and a well balanced plot. Though the whole duration of the movie is very fun to watch. A movie fit for the whole family. Also as a kid you wont forget robocop. A very popular show back *in the 90's as well.


Well-Known Member
Those police academy movies were hilarious, I think they made everyone laugh, no similar movies were made like those ones.


Well-Known Member
Beverly Hills Cop starring Eddie Murphy. I liked that movie because it had nothing to do with the reality of crime, or crime fighting and it was funny as ever. That's what a good movie is supposed to do. Eddie Murphy has always been comic genius.