What do you think is a healthy snack with coffee?


New Member
What do you think is a healthy snack with coffee? I can't eat doughnuts and egg sandwiches everyday with my coffee. What do you eat?


I like to eat organic protein bars, or just protein bars in general. I really like the powerbar harvest energy bars, which come in chocolate flavors, which is always a good combo with coffee.


Well-Known Member
Muffins can be a healthy choice. I prefer muffins over doughnuts. I do love egg sandwiches however. My favorite type of muffin is banana nut. There are so many variations to choose from when it comes to muffins.


Well-Known Member
I'd go with a granola bar, or perhaps some rye bread. The thing is you probably need some starch/carbs to go with your coffee, and most of the time they tend to be pretty high in calories :/


Well-Known Member
There isn't any. Without coffee, I can think of a lot of healthy snacks. Coffee is no good for your health, but who i'm I fooling. Coffee, just like most toxins have found a way to be socially acceptable, and when people like me point out the facts. They call us crazy.


Well-Known Member
I can't come up with any healthy choices that go with coffee. Most of them are sweets and are quite fattening. Granola bars seem healthy, but they tend to be overloaded with sugar and fats. If you prefer, fruits would probably be better. Otherwise, just consume less of whatever treat you eat with coffee overall, and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Well, I never saw any rule that said you can't have fruit with coffee. I would go with an apple or a banana. They say that we should each have two servings of fruit per day. If you want to jazz it up a bit add peanut butter to a slice apple. They taste okay together. Beside the apple is a great source of fiber, only has about 70 calories and cost about 50 cents each. You can't beat it.


A handful of nuts can be a very satiating and healthy snack and I think the tastes match pretty well.
I personally like to eat a yoghurt on the side too but I can see how that could be inconvenient.


Well-Known Member
I would go for a healthy muffin, a flapjack or a granola bar. The idea of fruit with coffee seems a little strange to me. Alternatively, you could try a lower fat sandwich filling.


Well-Known Member
Depends how you feel:

  • Craving? First try resisting it, if you can't go for a small piece of fudge or dark chocolate. Another good one is peanut butter on wholegrain crackers. A few nuts can be good here too.

  • Hungry? This is where your muesli and energy bars could come in. Or maybe just have brunch if you skipped breakfast, you body probably needs some food.

  • I'm having a coffee so I need something in my mouth? First of all you don't, however things like popcorn, pieces of vegetables/fruit, yoghurt, a mint or just the spoon. These things won't help you if your hungry or craving, although you most likely to just want to eat because your used to "I'm having coffee whats the cake of the day?" mentality.


Well-Known Member
I eat granola bars and muffins, personally. They taste good, are healthy, and they go well with coffee. Eating fruit with coffee is just too weird to me. I may even eat graham crackers. Anything with whole grain to keep you full for the rest of the morning works very well.


Well-Known Member
I like to pair my black coffee with a Kind bar & an apple parfait. Either or adds to the taste of the coffee. The Kind bar helping to sweeten it & the parfait acting as a supplementary 'cream'. Really delicious combination if you have never tried it.


Well-Known Member
I believe that anything that includes fruits or bread is quite a good snack. It is quite for the best of the tummy and also helps you provide the required nutrition.


Well-Known Member
I like protein powder! I put a scoop of whey protein powder in my coffee instead of creamer or milk every morning. The protein fills me up and gives me extra energy on top of the caffeine. They have lots of good flavors like cheesecake and chocolate chip if you look around that can make some mighty delicious morning treats (except minus the guilt)!


Well-Known Member
Never heard of proteins in coffee, but better on ya if you like it. It just seems eh to me.

A good snack to each with coffee is a low-calorie but high filling desert food, like a good sponge cake or some type of breading to absorb all the coffee you're drinking so the caffeine doesn't tear a hole in your stomach.


Homemade pan cakes made with 100% whole wheat flour is good. That is assuming that you want something sweet.

You could also try an egg and cheese omelette with onions, peppers, etc. Those are pretty good.


Well-Known Member
I'd say either fruits or healthy granola bars. There are lots of tasty ones really, it wouldn't be so hard to get hooked on them.


Active Member
For healthier options of snacks with coffee, I usually go for some organic foods that can complement with it. I sometimes have some sweet and ripe bananas with my coffee because it balances the bitter taste of it. Sweet potatoes are also nice to go along with coffee. If going for healthier carbohydrates, toasted whole grain bread with fresh fruit jam or some healthy plain biscuits would be nice.


For healthier options of snacks with coffee, I usually go for some organic foods that can complement with it. I sometimes have some sweet and ripe bananas with my coffee because it balances the bitter taste of it. Sweet potatoes are also nice to go along with coffee. If going for healthier carbohydrates, toasted whole grain bread with fresh fruit jam or some healthy plain biscuits would be nice.

Yeah fruit would be an excellent choice. I'm a total fruit addict myself. I eat tons of it every day.

It's one of the few things out there that is sweet and very healthy at the same time.


Active Member
You can never go wrong with a protein bar or just an energy bar in general. If it is a snack, you never want to go too heavy. Coffee itself is enough to keep me awake, which is why I am a bit biased. If you have time however, maybe a small sandwich could fill you up for the rest of the day.