What law would you change?


Well-Known Member
Is there any part of the law, you would change? For instance, do you think the posted speed in your area is too slow? For me, I would change parking laws. For example, a person should be able to use a designated handicap spot after a certain time at night when two or more other ones are open.


Well-Known Member
There are a number of things I would like to change like the whole stand your ground law. I would also change the stop and frisk thing in NYPD to prevent more racial discrimination. I would change the fostercare system to make it more comfortable for the kids involved.


Well-Known Member
I live in a village, and there is a 20MPH limit on a lot of the village centre. There are very rarely any people around, and even when there are, there are adequate pavements to mean that they are nowhere near the road. There are cameras as well, which means that we have no choice but to go so slow, a lot of the time it just feels painfully slow for no reason at all. I don't see how going at 30MPH instead would be any more dangerous, as the survival statistics are good at that speed.


Well-Known Member
Ugh. There should be some sort of really terrible ticket/sentence/community service/ SOMETHING for people who REFUSE to get out of the passing lane. I mean, it should be really terrible so that people learn to get the hell back over!! :)


Well-Known Member
heavy industrial vehicles shd be allowed on road only after peak hours to prevent traffic jam. Motorcyclist have their own lane..Anyone caught going under the limit by 20 or more will be fined heavily....I reckon one or two are already there,but it just happened that these would be on my priority list,applicable to Indian roads too..P


Well-Known Member
I would change the speeding limit, that's for sure. I consider it very low for the newer cars. A car that has ABS, traction control and all that is a lot safer to drive in a faster speed than a very older car. Speed limits were set for old cars, years and years ago and for some reason, instead of increasing, they're decreasing it.


I would change the whole deal with the ticket system. Cops sometimes have quotas... And they give tickets for no/subtle reasons.


Active Member
I think I would change the bicycle space law. If you violate the 3-feet space for road bicycles due to negligence like texting and driving, not paying attention or general stupidity - you lose your license and be required to take the driving AND written test all over again.


Well-Known Member
I wish that same sex marriage was allowed everywhere. It really sucks that people who love the same gender can't get the full benefits. I hate taking the rights away from anyone.