What time of the day is your favorite?


What is your favorite time of the day and why?

I personally enjoy the very early morning before the sun has risen.

If I can get to bed early enough, my favorite time to get up is 2:00AM. I know that sounds crazy but if you get to bed at 7:00PM then it is very possible.

What's awesome about it is that you get 5 or so hours of complete peace and quiet. It's very nice.


Well-Known Member
I love the night time. People go inside, the towns and stuff die, it becomes eerily quiet. I love the quiet. I like walking and hiking through the dark too, it's enjoyable and cooling for the skin.

Early morning before sun comes up or last night after dusk makes no difference to me. I am and probably always will be a night owl. Habits are hard to break. Grew up video gaming through the nights as a kid, and now older in life I'm still doing the same thing.


Well-Known Member
I love the afternoons,i really don't know why but.I often take a nap even during my work hours,just because its a great time to up the ante and the mood. Different people have different timings.


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely more of an evening person. I do function in the morning but I seem to get extra energy when the sun is going down. As a result, I'm most productive at that time of the day.


Active Member
I usually enjoy the morning when the day starts and I have certain plans for the upcoming day,
and at night because I usually stay until late night watching TV or surfing the Internet then I can relax. :D
I also love to bath in the evening it's really relaxing after a day full of emotions.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy the morning hours because I am well rested and full of energy. I live waking up to my morning coffee and seeing what they day has in store for me. I start to get lazy in the evening hours and find it a huge struggle to stay up past mid night even on the weekends now.


Well-Known Member
My favourite time of the day is the evening where I actually relax and do something useful. I totally love it when I get back home.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy the morning during the weekends, because in spite of the fact that I should be asleep, as I don't have anything to do at those hours, I wake up at 7 am and just goof around the house. I think that time of the day is the most peaceful one.

As for the weekdays, I really enjoy evenings, as that's when I usually have fun - either play video games, do some sports or go out with some friends.


Well-Known Member
I love the morning too, when the sun has barely risen. I think this time of the day is most energizing for me. I also love to travel and drive at this time because there are less vehicles on the street, so the roads are not that stressful. I love the feel of the sun's rays at this time also, its warmth is enough to give me boundless energy and inspiration to face the day ahead. Ironically, I also love it when the sun is about to set. I feel that I the sun is literally saying, "Job well done, it's time to rest." At this time I also feel very relaxed.


Active Member
My favorite time of the day is early morning because I love the sunrise. It gives me a new hope and opportunity to chase my dreams. It gives me so much energy to live a brand new life, an opportunity to correct mistakes and to strive for the best.


Well-Known Member
I love late nights when I can just have my "me-time" and throw a marathon of my favorite television series or movies. Sometimes, I would also have midnight snack while watching.


Well-Known Member
As many a song has stated: The night time is the right time. Well, for me anyway. It's my time to decompress from the stress of the day & relax. I love it.


Well-Known Member
I love evenings best. 5:00 - 7:00 is my favorite time. Maybe it because I love the beauty of the setting sun and what a view I get from my living room! Nonetheless I've come to learn that whenever I sit down to create some art at that time, it's of a more superior quality than any I might create at any other time of the day. It's a mystery . . .


Well-Known Member
My favourite time of the day is evening. I do believe that you can relax your entire being in the evening. I think it is great and definitely worth it. I love the sunset.


Well-Known Member
I like it early in the morning when the sun is just starting to rise and there is that good breeze feeling. Yea, that's my favorite time of day. I enjoy it!


Well-Known Member
Mine is early morning as well. I love getting up in time to see the sun rise over the water. The sky is always a beautiful pinky purple until it's up high enough to shine on the whole city, it's so beautiful. I then go about my morning ritual; breakfast with coffee and catch up on my writing and friends etc. it's a great way to charge for the day before the family gets up and things start to get busy :)