What's wrong with Arizona?


Well-Known Member
I suppose correctional officers believe their safety is assured. Or maybe there haven't been many reported incidents of prisoners attacking or attempting to attack correctional officers. She should sue those who should have ensured that she was safe.


Well-Known Member
This is very strange! I honestly think security procedures were violated or they just don't exist, period. I mean,these are very highly dangerous criminals and this sort of thing had happened previously. So why are the authorities not taking further steps to ensure the safety of officers is guaranteed at ALL TIMES? I wouldn't work there!


Well-Known Member
Prison employees deserve to have their safety guaranteed and I cannot thing why on earth this criminal was allowed to be alone with the woman. I hope she gets the compensation which she definitely deserves.


Well-Known Member
What doesn't make sense is how a teacher was raped right in the prison. Where were the guards when she was supposedly teaching these inmates. How is it even possible that they were to do that to her without anybody intervening until after the matter. It literally makes no sense in how all this went down.


Well-Known Member
That's what you call lack of security. Prison guards, specially those female prison guards, really need to be assured about their safety and protection.