Recent content by diecarmona

  1. diecarmona

    Should I join the Academy?

    Thanks for your support. I actualy already applied, I'm currently waiting on a response. I meet all the requirements so I'm sure they'll let me in, and after that I gotta prove myself. I'm really excited about this new path I'm taking. I'll keep you updated. Again, thanks for the support.
  2. diecarmona

    Fellow officer breaks the law to help someone, what do you do?

    I'm not an officer (yet) but I can put myself in the man's shoes and can honestly say I would do the same. Not because of some disrespect for the law, but rather because of a respect for moral values that are higher than written law. It's what many theorists have called "natural law". The man...
  3. diecarmona

    Why do the police ask, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

    It gives them time to measure possible dangers. It also allows the officer to "feel up" the person (they could start acting really suspicious). This is why so many actual criminals are stopped by roadstops, the officer is in control of the situation, and if you're guilty of something, you'll...
  4. diecarmona

    If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?

    I'd love to have lunch with an ancient ruler like Alexander or Augustus. I think I could learn a lot from them. If it's from contemporary times, I'd have to choose either Bill Hicks or Teddy Roosevelt. If it's someone alive, I'd definitely pick Scorsesse just to chat about great movies or maybe...
  5. diecarmona

    Racism in police

    I don't really think there are lots of people out there that think it's wrong to profile illegal immigrants. I think you might be confused. People think it's wrong to stereotype all immigrants as being illegal. There are legal and illegal immigrants. No one is defending illegal immigrants beyond...
  6. diecarmona

    How To Act When Being Pulled Over

    Smile, comply and act cool. Don't argue with the officer, treat him respectfully. Stay in your vehicle. All the usual things. In a humorous note, I remember watching an interview with Dave Chapelle in which he was asked the same question and he answered with deadpan expression: "Be white!"
  7. diecarmona

    Hello! Aspiring officer here.

    Thanks! I've always wanted to be a cop. It's always been kind of a fantasy for me. I didn't join the US because I was busy studying at the time. Now I don't have the money to study and I meet all the requirements for joining in Spain. I think police officers don't get paid as much here, but...
  8. diecarmona

    What's your workout?

    I'm currently on a bulking routine. I've been trying to gain weight so I can bulk up for two months. I have had good results so far. What I do is: Monday (upper body) Tuesday (lower body) Rest Thursday(Upper body) Friday(Lower body) Saturday (Upper body) Rest For upper body I do Pull ups...
  9. diecarmona

    Best exercises for reflexes?

    I'm an aspiring polie officer, and I know how important reflexes are on the job (it could mean life or death in many situations). I was wondering if there are any exercises/activities you do which include training your reflexes. I've been looking to improve myself in any way possible to protect...
  10. diecarmona

    School asks officer not to wear uniform or sidearm while picking up daughter

    So what? You're supposed to go home from work and change? What if you don't have the time? What if you're still on the job but on a quick "pick up your daughter" break? I really think this is ridiculous, how the school even took the idea serious is just mindblowing to me. Aren't schools...
  11. diecarmona

    Washington School Shooting

    I agree with Pat. There is no reason to generalize or jump to premature conclusions. On the first point, I think it's not intelligent to say that we have a problem with teen violence these days. There has always been teen violence, we are just more aware of it now. This isn't bad, being aware of...
  12. diecarmona

    Racism in police

    Have you witnessed racism in your police force? If so, how? What did you do about it? Do you think there's still racial profiling done by the police? Do you think that racial profiling is a factor in that most of the inarcerations are of minorities in the US? Do you think this is an important...
  13. diecarmona

    Hello! Aspiring officer here.

    Hi, my name is Diego, I'm an aspiring officer currently living in Spain. I was born in the US but moved here a couple of years ago for financial reasons. I'm still young (20) and recently I have started pondering if I want to keep studying or join the Police force. I have decided to join, and...
  14. diecarmona

    Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?

    I'm sure it happens in Africa. But it doesn't have anything to do with being police. It is the result of widespread misery in the continent that results in those awful things. I wish there was something we could do to help, but there is too much money invested in keeping Africa poor for us to be...
  15. diecarmona

    Should I join the Academy?

    I'm a 20 year old. Got all the requirements met for the Academy. The only problem is: I am a drug addict. I'm clean now, though, thank God. But I was wondering if this factor would limit me as far as Police training goes. Do I qualify just the same or am I too "problematic" for the force...