Recent content by GlacialDoom

  1. G

    Guns for Self-Defense

    While I think it is important for anyone to be able to defend themselves, I don't think guns are the solution to this. Sure, they would lead to many lives said, but given the huge number of trigger happy folks, there would be way more people killed over stupid reasons such as grudges or small...
  2. G

    Don't Mess With Granny

    Damn, this was amazing! I'm really glad granny managed to protect herself, but I still don't think this means we should all carry guns on us. There are other people who have itchy trigger fingers and that means more people will die because of stupid reasons such as grudges or small fights.
  3. G

    Character alignment

    I usually play as the Neutral Good, and I'd like to think that I am Neutral Good in real life too. Sometimes, when I replay a game, I'll try to go Chaotic Evil just to see how it feels and how the story changes because of my evil choices.
  4. G

    What country would you visit?

    I would really like to visit England, because I think it's such a beautiful country with a lot of culture and a lot of places to see! I'd also like to visit Japan for the same reasons (and also because they have a lot of video game related stuff :) ).
  5. G

    Favorite music albums?

    I really found myself enjoying Eminem's albums, even though I'm not really into hip hop and rap music. I really loved his 2013 album, Marshall Mathers LP 2, because it felt like it had the best songs of his in a while. I especially love the songs on the bonus CD you get for buying the limited...
  6. G

    How did you eat your last potato?

    French fries from McDonald's. We had a national holiday in Romania, so I went out with some friends and we passed by a McD's restaurant. Given the fact that we had been walking for a while and we had gotten hungry, we decided to eat something from there. They always seem to make the best french...
  7. G

    Best. Mother. Ever.

    Haha, she definitely gave him a whooping with justice on the side. I think they became famous after this, so she was definitely rewarded for her act of awesome parenting! :)
  8. G

    Rock On, Mom!!

    That mother definitely did the right thing. If she would have let emotions stand in the way of justice, her son would've never learned his lesson, and he would be left thinking that he would be able to commit any crime he wanted without getting caught or facing the consequences. By turning her...
  9. G

    Stranded On a Island, What would you bring?

    Apart from supplies required for survival, I'd only need a boat. If it was a luxury yacht, it would be fantastic - I would be able to search for land and civilization in style and luxury!
  10. G

    why do most people like dogs more than cats?

    I used to love cats, but now I hate them with a passion. They are the worst pets ever! You can't teach them any tricks, they aren't faithful, and they don't really love you. Meanwhile, dogs can learn a plethora of tricks, and they love you unconditionally.
  11. G

    Must one go college to be successful in life?

    While many big names have made it even though they dropped out of college (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs), they had an innovative way of thinking, which most of the world lacks. That's why I am a firm believer that one needs to go to college in order to be truly successful in life. It's not even about...
  12. G

    What is your least favorite part of your day?

    I hate the morning because I have to get up early in order to leave for high school, and the fact that I have to use the dirty and packed trams doesn't really help either.
  13. G

    What would you do if you had a million dollars?

    While I'd like to think that I'd donate all or most of it to charity, I know myself, and I can say that I would probably invest in some huge company shares, buy myself a nice house, and then keep the rest for fun.
  14. G

    What are the advantages of being a neighbor of a police officer?

    It's basically a "get out of jail" card, if you get along well with him. Well, not jail, but out of tickets and stuff. However, if you don't get along with him well, it might be a nightmare for you.
  15. G

    Would you turn a loved one in?

    While I like to think that I would do the right thing, I don't think I would turn my loved one in, at least not unless she would turn out to be a serial killer or something like that.