Recent content by OGRICHBOI


    Couple married 67 years dies on same day while holding hands

    Condolences to their families and friends. Even in the darkest situation, love will find a way. Even though I am quite young, I must embrace my youth. This goes to all of those kids spending so much time doing unproductive things. Fall in love. Learn a skill. This is a fine example of true love.

    Any writers out there?

    Although I am not a professional writer, I still enjoy writing in my free time. I usually write short articles about whatever interests me. This includes fitness guides, entertainment news, and clothing reviews. A wide variety. Writing allows me to relax and stimulate my brain at the same time...

    Protein Intake

    Really depends on your weight and what you are trying to do. If you're into working out, then I suggest intaking more protein that an average person would. You can accomplish this through protein powder, and meals that involve chicken/other foods rich in protein. Be careful though! Protein...

    Natural Means to Relieve Stress

    Recently I have been getting into yoga at home. I am not talking about those crazy stretches, but just light meditation. Just lay down, and do not think of anything. Relax your body and mind, and in a couple of minutes you might even be falling asleep. First time I tried it, I felt refreshed...

    When working out what do you think of?

    Music is a key factor in my workout. Without it, I feel unmotivated to pump iron or just go faster in general. It has something to do with my mind and how it speeds up my heartbeat. When working out, I think of how strong I am becoming.

    Police asking you questions that are irrelevant?

    It depend on the police officer that pull you over/arrests you. All of my interactions with cops are usually pleasant and reasonable. I suggest that you contact the police station if you ever have a bad experience.

    Have you ever stolen anything?

    I have never stole something, and don't think I ever will. Well, at least any big items. The biggest thing I have stolen is probably a lollipop at a doctor's office. So bad. Stealing is clearly not good and should not be practiced. Stealing can also become a habit, which is a hard one to get out of.

    Have you ever stolen anything?

    I have never stole something, and don't think I ever will. Well, at least any big items. The biggest thing I have stolen is probably a lollipop at a doctor's office. So bad. Stealing is clearly not good and should not be practiced. Stealing can also become a habit, which is a hard one to get out of.


    The stereotype of cops loving donuts and coffee has always intrigued me. Not sure how it has come to be, because although I am not a cop, I still enjoy these foods. Especially after work. I go and visit Dunkin Donuts for a quick snack.

    Favorite Crime Author?

    Not sure if he is considered as a "crime" author, but R.L Stine is one of my favorite writers. His Goosebump series always entertained my young brain when I was a child. Also, his abundance of books in this series always provided me something to read when I was up for a mystery.

    What can I do to be safe while running or walking outside?

    If your neighborhood is not safe, then I suggest not running during the night. It would be pretty cool to dress like a ninja, but the risk is too high. If you do decide to still do it, then I suggest running with a friend. Two is always better than one. If you're neighborhood is extremely...

    Do you prefer to work out at the gym or at home?

    I prefer to work out at the gym because all of my friends with similar goals also hang out there. They motivate me in ways that I could not motivate myself if I were at home. Also, the gym is fairly close to me, so it is not an inconvenience to me to go there everyday. Whenever I am going for a...

    Chicago secret interrogation facility

    As a civilian, learning about this is fairly uncomfortable. Especially the part about shackling and beatings. Hopefully further investigations can be made to prove wether this is real or not. Police should not abuse their powers.

    Facebook Post Prompts Mom to Turn in Son

    Truly shows the power of social media nowadays. Props to the mother for realizing that although her son was her son, he was still committing a crime. Probably more brave than I will ever be. Turning in a family member, especially your own children takes a lot of courage.

    Hello guys!

    Welcome to the forum! Wether you are looking to learn about law enforcement or give your insight about it, I am always willing to listen. I look forward to your knowledge about the correlation between the bible and law enforcement. Hope to see you around soon!