Recent content by princenyc

  1. princenyc

    Age limit for joining the Police force?

    Here in New York City there are always looking for officers. The requirements here are as follows. To take the exam you must be between 17.5 and 35 years old. If you were in the military you may deduct 6 years off the age requirement. You can get all the details here: Starting...
  2. princenyc

    Marijuana Decriminalized in Philadelphia.

    Like someone said, everything in moderation. If you drink too much there are issues. Same with weed. But just like you don't blame the car when someone speeds, you shouldn't blame the weed when someone does something stupid while high. Charge them with the crime they committed. Leave the weed...
  3. princenyc

    Marijuana Decriminalized in Philadelphia.

    Cops have to follow the laws in their states. It's federal officers that enforce federal law. But they usually just go by what the state does. It's nice to see them decriminalize weed. I don't personally indulge but I know a LOT of people who do. Smoking it is truly a victimless crime.
  4. princenyc

    Do confidential informants ever get paid?

    If you want to be a cop join the police department. Being a rat/snitch/CI is dangerous. But if you are going to do it do it for the feds. The pay is better and so are the benefits!
  5. princenyc

    Fellow officer breaks the law to help someone, what do you do?

    I was raised to have a healthy DISRESPECT for the law. The law put black people on the back of the bus, wouldn't let women vote and these days won't let gays get married. So you can't always follow the law, especially if it's wrong. So if an officer has to break the law to do the right thing...
  6. princenyc

    Some questions on police brutality and K-9 units

    Today it is almost commonplace to hear physical police behavior described as police brutality, yet it is rare for police officers to actually be prosecuted much less convicted for these accusations. What are some common instances where police are allowed to use force on an individual that are...
  7. princenyc

    Why do the police ask, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

    There has to be a reason they ALWAYS ask that, right?
  8. princenyc


    I disagree with most of the advice here. You are not a cop. You said you see suspicious activity. Have you seen anything illegal going on? If not, then maybe you should consider minding your business. Why put yourself and your family in danger? Acting like a private investigator when you are not...
  9. princenyc

    Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?

    I think cops raping women who they arrest is rare. Most people become cops to help people not hurt them.
  10. princenyc

    Are Guns Really Necessary For Cops?

    The job of a police officer is to arrest people who commit crimes and to protect us from said criminals. Where does killing people come in? With all the technology today it is completely possible to subdue a suspect 99% of the time without guns. So why the guns? It seems like the cops just...
  11. princenyc

    When Can A Store Owner Legally Detain You?

    I'm not a shoplifter but I have always been curious about this. If a store catches someone shoplifting, can they physically restrain the person to prevent them from leaving the store until the police arrive? What about stores like Wal-Mart where they ask to see your receipt when you leave? What...
  12. princenyc

    School asks officer not to wear uniform or sidearm while picking up daughter

    There is no reason to bring a gun into the school. It isn't a military compound. It's a school. We don't allow anyone else to bring weapons on campus. Not bringing his gun seems reasonable.
  13. princenyc

    Are Guns Really Necessary For Cops?

    I realize this is the United States and we love our guns but does law enforcement really need them. We know that there are several western countries where the cops do not carry guns. Crime isn't running rampant because the cops don't have them. With all the attention on cops killing kids and all...