Recent content by shilpa123

  1. shilpa123

    Where do you go when you want to be alone?

    I usually go to terace of the mall. There is nothing more quiter than that. I totally love it over there. I think it is calm and quiet place.
  2. shilpa123

    Do you get paranoid writing on forums?

    I used to get a lot paranoid. But now i dont. It has become a part and parcel of my life. I enjoy it .
  3. shilpa123

    Do you get paranoid walking past a cop?

    Sometimes I do get paranoid. It happens when they look very rogue. I do believe it is nothing.
  4. shilpa123

    Love and Hate

    I think love and hate are two different things and i do believe one should be careful about what they say to others. I think the two concepts should not be mixed.
  5. shilpa123

    Best app on your phone?

    The best app is whatsapp. There is nothing better than the app . I totally love it.
  6. shilpa123

    Woman attacks police with crucifix??

    I think crucifix should never be used for this purpose. It is not at all good for people and definitely not helpful. I believe it should not be done in anywhere.
  7. shilpa123

    Educators jailed for cheating

    It is really sd that such things are aappening. I believe the teachers need to be more careful on what they are doing . Not everyone needs to get great marks by copying.
  8. shilpa123

    Heart transplant recipient dies in police chase

    That kid should have respected life in a better way. Not everyone gets a second chance. He definitely deserve to leave a good life.
  9. shilpa123

    Chris Rock posts selfies of police stops.

    I think its really sad that such tings happen. I believe such things should never happen. IT is very bad for soceity in general.
  10. shilpa123

    Texting while driving.

    I believe texting while driving should never be done it is really harmful for one health and is very dangerous. I believe it can be useless to regret when something bad happens. Hence it is better to be careful in the beginning itself.
  11. shilpa123

    Throwing up in a police car

    I believe throwing up in a police car is really gross. I do not find it useful and definitely do not like it. I believe one should be very careful while we are in police cars.
  12. shilpa123

    Do you get promoted if you give out tickets?

    I do not think one can get promoted by giving out tickets. It is not the same thing as doing a legal business. It definitely should not be done.
  13. shilpa123

    What is one thing that you can not live without?

    I cannot live without my novels. I do need to believe that there are better way to do things. I do think that you should try and understand what you like the most about your life.
  14. shilpa123

    Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?

    I think that is great to be the smartest kid in school rather than the most popular. Your smartness takes you a long way but I do not think it is the same about being popular.
  15. shilpa123

    Friends in the academy: Helpful or distraction?

    Friends in Academy are quite useful and helpful. I do believe one should be careful while thinking about whom to talk to and whom not to. I believe friends can be really helpful when you are in need.