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  1. Vivat

    What do you do when you're bored?

    Oddly enough, I can't recall the last time I have ever been bored. If at all, I don't think I have ever felt that I was bored in my entire life. I find it even more odd that it took this thread to actually make me fully understand that I have never been bored in my life - That's weird.
  2. Vivat

    Preparing for pepper spray

    A chamber FULL of tear gas? How the hell is anyone supposed to be able to do that proper? That's INSANE!
  3. Vivat

    Robin Williams Dead in Apparent Suicide

    Rest in peace. He was a great comedian, for him to be so depressed and for nobody to have even knew until he killed himself: Tragic. This actually came as a great shock to me.
  4. Vivat

    Your dream job?

    I don't really have a dream job. I dunno why.
  5. Vivat

    What's your favorite music genre?

    Jazz. It's pretty good, man, the most complex pieces I've heard have been and most likely always will be jazz.
  6. Vivat

    Would you travel around space if you had the chance?

    Yes. The answer is yes, yes to space travel and yes to funding it. Space is great. I love it.
  7. Vivat

    Do you feel apprehensive about buying doughnuts in uniform?

    I see cops eat them, and I see other people eat them. I wouldn't even notice, if nobody would keep pointing out it.
  8. Vivat

    Latest Knockout Attack Caught On Camera

    I find this to be extremely unsettling. This is the dumbest trend in a while, and it's almost done exclusively by a certain type of people. Way to go.
  9. Vivat

    At what age would you consider someone to be old?

    Well, I wouldn't normally call anyone under the age of 40 old, but then again there have been people that were uncharacteristic to the point where I thought they were several years older than they actually were. I suppose it has largely to do with physical appearance, mental ability and how they...
  10. Vivat

    What would you do if you had a million dollars?

    Invest, buy assets, etc: Get richer, build a constant reliable capital that I can spend on things that I can enjoy, donate some of it from time to time to charities, and so forth. Probably try to raise it to a good sum so I can give money to space exploration and all that sweet sounding jazz.
  11. Vivat

    Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?

    I was a mix of both, so neither, really. I have a natural affinity for these things, but I suppose being the smartest kid would imply that you have knowledge to such a degree that you could finish with a perfect score, and that brings in a lot of benefits.
  12. Vivat

    Family killed by gas from rotting potatoes

    Somehow that sounds extremely terrifying. Death by potatos? Something so simple? It's morbid, to say the least.
  13. Vivat

    Boyfriend is a DEA Agent

    There's something difficult in letting somebody go do something dangerous, it's difficult to understand from the perspective of the person who goes do it, but when you actually see somebody undertake danger, it's unbelievable how much you want them to not do it. There's no easy way to deal with...
  14. Vivat

    Jackie Chan has ignited controversy

    I don't get how you can't understand what he was trying to carry across, and misconstrue it as him being some kind of sadistic bigshot. What else would he be implying about people coming about to help? If he wanted to make it hostile, he'd say that he likes tsunamis and tornadoes, not that he...
  15. Vivat

    What's the strangest thing you've ever had to respond to?

    It's not okay to carry too much fish? That's... really odd. Why is that considered an offense?
  16. Vivat

    Homeowner soaks trespasser

    A garden hose does wonders to deter most people, really. Works on animals, too.
  17. Vivat

    Cop or Officer

    Police man. Why? I don't know, personal preference or something. Officer is too formal, and cop seems like an insult in the way I talk.
  18. Vivat

    Wearing Sagging Pants? Pull up or pay up!

    Indecent exposure is indecent exposure - Why is this a problem? If you do this, why would you think this is a good idea? What part about having sagging pants makes it easier at anything?
  19. Vivat

    Pepsi-flavored Cheetos

    What's the point of making something that people like to drink into something else, that respectively people like to eat? People like Pepsi, and people like Cheetos, but it doesn't mean that people will like Cheetos flavored Pepsi or Pepsi flavored Cheetos. It makes no sense, honestly.
  20. Vivat

    Jackie Chan has ignited controversy

    Is everyone reacting to him, as if though you don't understand what miscommunication is? He's not saying that he likes the disaster itself, he says that he likes to see that after a disaster, that people come to help each other. He's not saying he LIKES those things to happen, he just...