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  1. aparsons

    Giving a Second Change

    Hello Officers! What circumstances, if any, would warrant you to give an individual a second change with something like a speeding ticket? Is it a clean record, the way they treat you, or does the type of day you are having effect this?
  2. aparsons

    Adjusting Behavior by Proxmimity

    Hello Officers! I was wondering, when you are out on patrol, how obvious is it when someone corrects their driving habits or behavior based on your proximity? For example, slowing right down when they see you approaching, or suddenly leaning how to use their indicators as soon as you are behind...
  3. aparsons

    Hello Everyone!

    Hey Guys! Just wanted to introduce myself quickly, the names Alex and I am from Ontario, Canada. Found this forum earlier today and am looking forward to contributing! If anyone has any recommendations on how to get the most out of this forum, let me know!