I'm training

I'm training for the police academy, and I'm having problems with pushups. I've been working real hard for the past two months training to increase my pushups. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who passed for the exact same problem when applying for the police, he was turned down once because of the physicals, so he trained daily really hard to improve and he managed to enter. So that's my advice to you, train hard daily and you will succeed, best of luck!


Well-Known Member
What is your record? I moved from 20 to 60 in about 3 weeks. I used an android app. You could search it up in the google market! Good luck. No pain, no gain!


Well-Known Member
When I wanted to increase the amount of push-ups that I could do, I found that the way to make the most progress was to just do push-ups daily. No matter how hard I trained my triceps, pecs, and deltoids through weightlifting, I still wasn't able to perform very many push-ups.


Well-Known Member
I would strength train my arms, I would try to make them as strong as I can , since during pushups they tend to hold most of the weight.


Well-Known Member
Is that count a problem for you..?
Ok,i remember experiencing something like this before,but yeah i did some hard exercises before coming back to pushups.That way you can negate the effect and increase your count.
Start it slowly,and increase by 5 a day..There is no gain without a pain..Slog it put dude..!!


Well-Known Member
That count is vital I believe, because you need to to a determined number of push ups to be approved and if you don't you don't pass the physicals.