What is the first thing that you do when you wake up?


Well-Known Member
I think it is always best to do something positive when you wake up as it can really motivate you for the rest of the day. The first thing that I do is look out into the beautiful nature and gain some kind of energy from it.*


Take a swig of soda. Check my email. Check my clash of clans. Read the breakfast topic for wow insider. Maybe read a news article if I see an interesting one. A shower is part of my routine as well. I really like your idea for a morning ritual.


Well-Known Member
I exercise and meditate. These two things never fail at pumping me up to challenge the day ahead. They put me in a good mood and just make me feel better overall.


Active Member
The first thing I do when I wake up is smoke a cigerrette, take a swig of soda and take the dog out. Nothing like a cold blast of air right now to get you woke up!


I lay in the bed for a few more minutes while browsing on my phone (on instagram or my bible app). Then, I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Last but certainly not least, I go to the kitchen in cook breakfast.


Well-Known Member
Stop my alarm. Grab my school bag which I prepared the evening before and move it to the living room. Eat there while watching TV. When the time for leaving comes, I get dressed quickly and I leave for high school. I do this monday to friday, and it's kinda become a ritual for me.


These give so many ideas. I think I might start eating breakfast. Pankcakes, bacon, so win combo :D. Maybe a microwave burger if I don't feel like cooking.


Well-Known Member
I drink a glass of water right away to help wake myself up and get hydrated for the day, then I start breakfast and take a shower.


Well-Known Member
It is hard for me to positive first thing in the morning, because that is when I am the most emotional. I have a routine of taking my pills, feed the cat, start coffee, and wake up the kids for school. It gets better as I talk to the kids. It really gets better when the caffeine kicks in.


Well-Known Member
The first thing I do is make a plan to run straight to the shower so that I actually get up and stay awake. If showering is not the very first thing, it is going to be hard to motivate my to get out of bed.


Well-Known Member
I think it is always best to do something positive when you wake up as it can really motivate you for the rest of the day. The first thing that I do is look out into the beautiful nature and gain some kind of energy from it.*

The first thing i do after i wake up is thank the creator for giving me another chance to marvel at his creation and for blessing me with life at a time when the world is in chaos and one is not sure about tomorrow.After that i stretch a bit to get my body in shape and head for the shower before taking a light breakfast.


Well-Known Member
The first thing I do is browse the front page of Reddit to get my news for the day. After that, I shower, find something to eat, and then head to the gym before class and work.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for being a downer here, but I'm just not a morning person. I wake up, brush my teeth, and rush to catch the bus because I overslept. Then I sleep on the bus, which is great because my destination is the last stop. Good on some of you for getting exercise in the morning though. That takes real discipline, and I honestly wish I had that. I do most of my exercise and showering at night.


Well-Known Member
The first thing I do is shut off the annoying alarm clock and soon after I realize that my daughter decided to wake up at 5 A.M. as usual. This means that I have to find her in the house because that's her way of a good morning joke. She keeps it exciting by giving me a daily morning heart attack by jumping out from behind a door or from a closet.


Active Member
As soon as I wake up I just lay back and think of all I have to do the rest of the day, if anything. Then I'll fumble around for my glasses and then start on the everyday stuff like bathroom going, any tidying up that needs done, etc.