What's your workout?

joshua minaya

Active Member
When it comes to work out or basically doing any form of exercise i believe to me the bet form of exercise seems to be jogging basically. And then a little form of press up doing this daily seems to work well for me


Well-Known Member
I find that I am active on the job for the majority of the day, and I'm not one of those types of people who is always eating junk food whilst on the beat either, so I will normally just do weight training three times a week. Because I only actually have two days off, I will also train one night after work, which can be tiring, but I know that it's worth it, because it becomes painfully obvious when I'm a little bit out of shape, and obviously I don't want that to be people's opinion of me. I always want to stay as fit as the other officers, particularly the younger ones, and as long as I'm able to do that then I'm quite happy.


Well-Known Member
Not a policeman, but I jog in the mornings before breakfast (helps to burn fats as blood sugar is still low), and do weights/swim in the afternoon, preferably before the evening crowd comes.


I'm currently on a bulking routine. I've been trying to gain weight so I can bulk up for two months. I have had good results so far. What I do is:

Monday (upper body)
Tuesday (lower body)
Thursday(Upper body)
Friday(Lower body)
Saturday (Upper body)

For upper body I do Pull ups, bench press, chin ups, bicep curls, dumbbell flys and weighted pushups.
For lower body I do deadlifts and squats mainly, with the other workouts varying depending on the day.


3 days a week lifting heavy weights Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Chest and Tris, Legs, back and biceps. I do core exercises everyday and Run on Tuesday and Thursday. I take the weekends OFF!