Your Favorite Exercise


Well-Known Member
My favorite exercise is the bench press.I've been doing it for a few months and the results are all out for everyone to see;well toned muscles,ripped arms and well chiseled frame, what more could i ask for?


Well-Known Member
I'm a Zumba instructor and Zumba is definitely my favorite form of exercise. Back when I first started Zumba I weighed over 350 pounds at only 4'11. I have lost 230 pounds doing nothing but Zumba, sometimes with added weights. I would recommend it to anybody because you can actually stick with it because it's just so darn fun.


Well-Known Member
Hiking. People's ideas of exercise are sort of extreme these days. It's not necessary. I go for long hikes.. it's both good for the body and uber relaxing all at once. Nothing like it.


Well-Known Member
Sit ups,push ups and an age old exercise Surya Namaskar is all what i do at home and count as my favorite exercise :p
Does treadmill count as exercise.?


Well-Known Member
I do basic cardio and warm-up exercises only every morning such as jogging, sit-ups, and running. I also do a bit of dancing to just sweat it out, but I am not really a good dancer. I also try zumba. It's a good exercise too.