Recent content by mrsbright

  1. mrsbright

    Robber Returns To Crime Scene To Complain About Fake Gold Chain He Stole

    That and, why commit such a low-level petty crime when you could be much more talked of by your stupidity? Sounds a bit like it could have been Micheal Kelso from That 70's Show train of reasoning, there.
  2. mrsbright

    Another teenaged killer!

    Man, that's too bad that this sort of behaviour was not spotted before. I hope they give him proper mental care. Dangerous people should be put away from society so they don't harm someone, but I think that the way they should be put away should depend entirely on what they need, also. Some...
  3. mrsbright

    Robot Buys Drugs With Bitcoins, Arrested By Cops

    That's pretty interesting, but what has LOTR ebooks to do with the seedy side of the internet?
  4. mrsbright

    What Would Make a Criminal Want To Go Back To Jail?

    The jail system sucks. Complete. Since the beginning. It's unfair, it's ill-managed, it's almost inhumane at times -- and one other thing it doesn't do well is prepare people for rehabilitation. There used to be a time when, when the prisoners came out, they were prepared to come out, guided...
  5. mrsbright

    If you could cure a disease/ailment, what would it be?

    yes! I mean, the thing with cancer is that it sucks hard, right? But on the other side, it usually rallies a lot of support and people going through it many times have this "awakening" of what really matters in life. I'm not saying it's worth the illness -- but compared to that, depression...
  6. mrsbright

    If you could cure a disease/ailment, what would it be?

    Naja. "Cancer" is a generic name, but I don't think that it's considered to be all just one disease -- when they find "cures" for cancer, they usually do so for one specific kind. Though curing cancer would not be bad. Otherwise, curing leukemia or curing depression would also be cool. Darn.
  7. mrsbright

    So Sad...

    Wow, something about the irresponsibility of that stories remind me of Trainspotting. They had that baby, and the mom did love her kid, but they all were high on heroin all the time -- and totally did not remember to care about the child. At some point they realized the baby had died of thirst...
  8. mrsbright

    Coca-Cola apologizes for offensive bottle cap message

    This is a sucky apology. They basically do not assume real blame and do not offer compensation; their explanation seems fibble and I don't think the apology sounds sincere... But what else could be expected from Coca-Cola. This company is evil, and I usually am against such black/white words.
  9. mrsbright

    Keeping yourself safe in your home

    Get a dog. Get a sign that you have a dog. Get an alarm system. Put the sign of the alarm system to be visible. Get lights that go on when there is movement around. Keep a baseball bat, maybe pepper spray when that's allowed. Make sure everything has a good secure lock. Make friends with the...
  10. mrsbright

    Mom asks police to arrest her 10-year-old to scare him straight

    That's just wrong. If you don't know how to raise your kid yourself, fine, ask for help -- but come on, do NOT ask policemen for this crap! There are real crimes out there, and taxpaid policers should be dealing with that, not with a misbehaving 10 yo!
  11. mrsbright

    Only in a free country!

    You people. Medias willl almost always blow protests out of proportion. They are just waiting for the moment someone from the protester does something wrong. From my experience in going to peaceful protest, it's almost always the cops starting it -- or, in a few cases, masked people coming to...
  12. mrsbright


    My reaction: that's not ironic, that happens when people shoot other people --- Oh. Yeah, that happens too. Cops shoot people and do illegal stuff sometimes (more than they should).
  13. mrsbright

    Robber Returns To Crime Scene To Complain About Fake Gold Chain He Stole

    Awww, poor guy! All his hard work for fake gold!
  14. mrsbright

    Hammer Time?

    If he had a hammer and was in the hoop, he was probably trying to fix something, right? Right?
  15. mrsbright

    The evil that people do...

    Wow, I was confused at first, thinking that the 5 yo kid on the pic was the one who killed his mom and threw away his lil' brother. Did not register for a while that there was another son (and 25, makes more sense). Really wonder what went into him... This is disturbing.