Police officers as service providers


Well-Known Member
We all know that police officers provide a service to the populations, but this is more notorious in some countries. I am in Portugal and here they are quite different from Germany for example, where they are way more helpful and embrace the "service" part with another energy. How is this in the US, are cops friendly and helpful to the populations?


I cannot speak for the U.S., but I live in Canada which is pretty close. Our cops here (BC) are very nice to the general population unless of course the situation calls for it to be different. It's very nice because they joke around with kids while doing a patrol on the streets and let everyone know that they are not people to be feared if they are doing the right thing. The ones in my neighbourhood seem very fun and upbeat most of the time too.


Well-Known Member
As a Portuguese I can tell you that the reason why Portuguese police is so different, if we can call it that, is because they're not given good enough working environment. I mean, they receive miserable salaries, drive old and most of the time almost broke vehicles without the security options they should, are forced to pay their own gear even though sometimes it's not available for sale, and they get fined for buying some cheaper non official gear, such things.

From what I know, see and hear, in the USA, it depends a lot on the state and city, but police is a lot more appreciated and they appreaciate their job more than at Portugal.


Well-Known Member
You make a good valid point Ricardo, if they are paid poorly, the serve poorly is that what you mean? Even so I find this incorrect because they need to be professional or quit, you just cannot serve bad the population because you wage is not enough.


Well-Known Member
I would say here in the US it depends on the officer. I have known a few that go well beyond the call of duty and some that couldn't be bothered. I also think no matter the pay you are a civil servant and that you are an example to be followed by the community and should act that way.


Well-Known Member
That's true, it depends on the person, but I think it's cultural too, if most of your colleagues behave professionally you will do it to, but if you are new and you see nobody cares what will you do?


Active Member
It really depends. There are many, many cops who are there to do the right thing, and to actually help people. But unfortunately, there are also many who abuse their power and do unjust things, and it seems that those are the ones we actually hear about.