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  1. megankl

    Do people act different on the show cops than normal?

    So happy that someone made a topic about this as I have been wondering the same thing for years. lol. But figured just as all of you said that of course they are going to put on a better show for the camera.
  2. megankl

    Do you get paranoid writing on forums?

    I love being able to put my input into forums and being allowed to have a voice and to reply to whatever it is I want to, but I don't think I would ever meet up with someone that I met off of a forum. I just loving being able to state my opinion and have hope that it will have an impact on other...
  3. megankl

    Rainy Conditions

    I agree with being able to pull them over. People need to be smart and drive according to the road conditions. If the speed limit is 70 kmh and it is a snow blizzard/heavy rain out. It is best not to obviously drive that fast in those conditions. Therefore I think it would be fine for an officer...
  4. megankl

    Any habits that you'd like to give up before 2015?

    Nothing much. I would like to really cut tobacco completely from my life. I am down to smoking approx. 1 cigarette a day but to just be free from it would be amazing. There is nothing really holding me down just the casualness of it. I think I could quit that last smoke cold turkey no problem so...
  5. megankl

    Have there been many officers killed in the line of duty in your town?

    I think in my hometown there have only been about 2 or 3 officers killed in the actual line of duty. I am happy that number is low and hoping it stays low forever!
  6. megankl

    Has anyone in your family ever been police officer?

    No, no one in my family has been a police officer. When I was younger my brother wanted to be one and when I was a child my mom was friends with all our local police officers because she worked for Mother's Against Drunk Driving so was in regular contact with them.
  7. megankl

    Have you ever been arrested? If yes, how long has it been?

    No, I have never been arrested and I can tell you that I never want to. When I was young me and a friend got caught shop lifting from the Dollarstore but we learnt our lesson, got off lucky and have never done it since. I couldn't imagine being in that situation again.
  8. megankl

    Coffee or Tea?

    I am definitely 100% a coffee girl. I love my coffee morning, afternoon and night. I drink multiple cups a day and love it. I often wish that I liked tea though since there are so many cool flavors and types I would love to try, but I really can't bring myself to drink a cup of it. Which is also...
  9. megankl

    Do you believe in movie kind of love?

    No, not at all. I could only dream of finding movie kind of love lol. It would be really nice but I have never came across it and I very highly doubt at at this point I ever will. There will always be certain struggles in relationships and I appreciate them for what they are and learn from it...
  10. megankl

    What sort of experiences have you had with police?

    It is a funny story and something that I can definitely laugh good at now but when I was young me and another neighbor that I hung out with a lot decided it would be a good idea to go over to the school across the road from our house and rip all of the school screens with rocks. When I was late...
  11. megankl

    Have you been inside a police station before

    Yes I have, when I was young in public school we visited them several times for class "trips." I am to this day thankful for that because it answered many of my questions as a child and I got to see what happens when you make the wrong choices in life. I will make sure my kids one day visit one...
  12. megankl

    Death Penalty

    I believe that the death penalty should exist everywhere for people who plead GUILTY for murder. It is only fair that if you kill someone then you should be put to death too. That's how it should be no questions asked. So many murderers now a days are getting it off a little too easy and are...
  13. megankl

    USPS security breach

    I don't know what has been going on lately with all the security breaches in the world but it is getting just a little bit ridiculous eh? I am scared now to be giving my information to companies I should be able to trust in fear that it will get into the wrong hands. I hate what the world is...
  14. megankl

    Ghost Stories - Do you believe in ghosts?

    No, I really don't believe much at all in ghosts. I have heard many stories but I don't know what makes me not believe. I am not really the type of person to believe in much so that could be why. haha. I wish I did have that type of imagination though then maybe life would be a bit more simple.
  15. megankl

    Do you believe in movie kind of love?

    No, I don't believe in that at all. I believe that you can love someone a lot but not to the point of movie kind of love. Your relationship may be like that in the beginning but it will probably never last! Just a personal opinion.
  16. megankl

    Cell Phones

    Thanks for the reply, and for asking the question OP! I have often wondered the same thing and it is cool to know the answer :) I think the Police should be equipped with everything they want and need because they are who keeps us safe!
  17. megankl

    What is the best way to make popcorn?

    My favorite way to make popcorn is to buy the cheap kernels from the grocery store and use the machine to heat them up and pop them. We buy quality butter and melt it and layer it on top. It is my kids favorite snack and our favorite way to make it :)
  18. megankl

    What's the story behind YOUR username?

    My user name is just my name and my husbands initials! I wanted something simple and something that I will always remember and I have absolutely no problem remembering this one! lol
  19. megankl

    Cold Season - Home made remedies

    When I feel a cold/sore throat coming on I always always have a cup of tea with honey every night I find for some reason it makes the sickness go away at lot faster andI also find it very soothing on my throat also :)
  20. megankl

    What kind of phone do you have? Do you love it or hate it?

    I currently have the Iphone 5c. Coming from having a blackberry curve I have to say that I love the IPhone! I haven't had any problems with it yet and I have had it for around 6 months. I definitely recommend it when people ask my opinion on cell phones! My boyfriend got the Samsung Galaxy S5...