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  1. P

    Issues between officers

    A lot of suggestions on this forum state that cops are like brothers and sisters, and they would protect their own. But what happens when an unresolved issue comes up between officers? How does this get solved? Does the commanding officer try to settle it? Does he/she send them to a psychiatrist...
  2. P

    If local police cannot handle a situation, who do they call for help?

    I am not talking about a major incident like Ferguson. I mean a small town that might only have one or two officers on at a time. If the situation is too big to handle, do they call the Sheriff's department? Is the State police brought in? Do they call in reserve officers that may be off-duty...
  3. P

    Is the 911 number abused too much?

    I have heard some really ludicrous reasons for people to call 911, and people do get in trouble for it. A guy I worked with got in a fight with another guy I worked with. When the second guy threatened him, he called 911. Because it was just two guys that knew each other, it was considered a...
  4. P

    Police gathered at a private house for the Superbowl while on duty

    This wasn't something that happened recent. It was about five years ago. I was driving down a neighborhood road close to where I lived, and I saw three police cruisers parked in the drive and on the street. It was Super bowl Sunday. It was pretty hard for me to believe that there were that many...
  5. P

    Regular drinking while on duty in Mexico

    I recently heard that in Mexico the local police sit in bars, in uniform and drink until drunk. They don't try to hide it, and sometimes don't leave until the bar closes, completely ignoring their job. There is no consequence for this, as they are the "supreme authority" in their town. Is there...
  6. P

    Throwing up in a police car

    I have heard people claim that an officer made them clean up their own vomit when they threw up in the backseat, but I doubt that. First off, they can't make you do anything. If a person threw up, likely they were drunk, and probably wouldn't even be able to do it. I ran away when I was about...
  7. P

    Why do people hate the police?

    There is a large percentage of people in America that hate police. I mean actually hate them. Some might tie them into government drones or other issues, but many hate them for personal reasons. A majority of the people that hate cops are the ones that have been busted by them. They have either...
  8. P

    Still having issues with this forum

    I have not been able to post the last two days. My replies just disappear. I am now on Firefox, and it did not change my problems. I am now attempting to make a new post, and see if I can do that. What else can I do to fix this? I enjoy posting here, but this is getting frustrating!
  9. P

    Police entering your home without permission

    I have always wondered about this, and it seems everyone has an opinion. If the police have been called to your house (other than from people that are living there), do they have the right to come in without permission? Years ago a friend of mine and his wife got into a heated verbal argument...
  10. P

    I have had lots of posting issues since the changes in this forum

    I don't know if it is just me, but since the changes on this forum I never get more than one or two posts or replies made before an issue comes up. Generally, the problem is that once I hit the button to reply or post, the working icon just spins and nothing happens. I have to shut down the...
  11. P

    Has an officer ever testified against you in court?

    Oftentimes an officer on the scene will be required to make a statement to the court about what they saw and heard. "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" is not an idle threat. I have been fortunate to have only gone to court for simple things, so I have never had...
  12. P

    The last time you had any interaction with a police officer?

    I have not talked to a police officer pertaining to anything about me personally in several years. I believe 2011 would have been the last time it was personal. There was someone that would not stop harassing my phone, and I finally grew tired of it, and phoned the police. In the end, I was told...
  13. P

    Police asking you questions that are irrelevant?

    Have you ever had an officer ask you questions that have nothing to do with why they are interacting with you? A good example is that many ask where you are going when they pull you over. How does this pertain to anything? I might understand asking where are you going in such a hurry, if you...
  14. P

    Soldier become officer or other way around?

    I have heard of police that used to be soldiers. They get used to a certain way of life, and as a civilian they cannot live this way. An officer would be the closest thing to combat/military life. I have also heard of officers (as reserve National Guard for instance) going off to war, but this...
  15. P

    Have you ever been in a physical fight?

    I am wondering who here has been in a fight, where you were hit and you hit back? Did you or the other person call the police? Did a bystander or neighbor? Did you get charged? What was the outcome of that? I am not proud of it, but my first wife and I used to hit each other. She had hit me like...
  16. P

    Have/would you offer an officer anything when pulled over?

    When I ask this, I mean anything. If you were eating a Big Mac, did you offer him/her a bite? If it was a 100 degrees did you offer a water bottle? if you owned a business did you offer to do some free work? What other offers did you try? Your body? Some of these could be considered bribes...
  17. P

    Local Supercenter getting ripped off so bad they are hiring security

    This needs to be explained a little. I realize in a smaller town there are not endless sources of people that want to work at Wal-Mart, but the workers that are there NEVER seem to be around. I can search half the store before I find someone to help. They have about four lanes open, or a long...
  18. P

    Buying prescription drugs outside the USA

    My mom has bought anxiety and other medications in other countries and they shipped into America. Not only would I worry about the quality of the drugs without FDA regulations, I don't know how it can be legal. She swears that is it not illegal. Are the drug laws involving prescriptions...
  19. P

    Have you ever stolen anything?

    I am sure most people have stolen something in their lives, even if it's a grape at the store they "sampled" or pirated media. But I mean have you ever shoplifted or taken property that wasn't yours? I used to shoplift occasionally at 14-15. It was small things like cassette tapes. I was lucky I...
  20. P

    Moving from precinct to precinct for the better deal

    Do officers move around from precinct to precinct to new jurisdiction often? Do young officers come in and decide they want a better deal and move back out almost as quickly? My small town only has fifteen officers at a time, but they always seem to be changing. Would this hurt or help a career...