Improvements to the police academy?


Well-Known Member
During your time there, what do you feel could be improved on that would really make a big difference to a lot of people?


Well-Known Member
I feel that communication can more often than not be improved, so that where I would focus, sometimes a better communication can make all the difference.


Well-Known Member
Improvements to the academy in my opinion well that is a tough one. I would suppose maybe like a little more connecting with other officers who are in the exact police department I am trying to get into.


Well-Known Member
I feel that communication can more often than not be improved, so that where I would focus, sometimes a better communication can make all the difference.

How do you mean communication? As in giving orders or...?


Well-Known Member
How do you mean communication? As in giving orders or...?
I think that is what he was trying to go for Riggy. Giving orders can sound generic for some people. In the academy its like the recruits have to act without hesitation when given a direct order from his or her superiors.


Well-Known Member
I think that the recruit is to prepare police officers, so if the results are being good there's not much to improve. On the other hand, many might say the food. :D


Well-Known Member
I think that the recruit is to prepare police officers, so if the results are being good there's not much to improve. On the other hand, many might say the food. :D
They just become the officers they are to become today with the academy. I think the food should be healthy enough for the recruits.


Well-Known Member
I think that is what he was trying to go for Riggy. Giving orders can sound generic for some people. In the academy its like the recruits have to act without hesitation when given a direct order from his or her superiors.

Ah right. Sorry, had a bit of a brain freeze. Yeah, communication is very important it's kinda bad to hear that communication is poor


Well-Known Member
Yep, pretty much that, in recruit sure orders must be followed, but at the same time the rules need to be clear to avoid problems.


Well-Known Member
I think that, first of all, all new recruits should be made completely aware of what they're going into. There are too many people who enter and are then shocked by the process, finding that they're not able to carry on with it even though they thought that they were going to be able to cope. They should be given the chance to talk to not only existing officers who have been through the training, but also to people who have failed the training, so that they can be given the opportunity to avoid making the same mistakes as they did. I believe that is absolutely vital, because there is very little room for error, despite the fact that if people were given more of a chance to prepare, they would almost certainly have performed better under the pressure of it all.


Well-Known Member
What sort of things were a chock value to people? The intensity of it or what? I've never been to a police academy so I've no idea!


Active Member
What character traits are the academy looking for in new recruits. Obviously they want the best they can get but are there any particular things they look for?


Well-Known Member
What character traits are the academy looking for in new recruits. Obviously they want the best they can get but are there any particular things they look for?
I guess anything like good moral character sounds like the most obvious they look for in a candidate. It sounds like military people would be able to get around a lot quicker since they have all that military experience. Someone who is honest and very assertive since you have to be able to find the truth from people.


Well-Known Member
I think that a recruit has to be the sense of helping the community, that is the most important in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I think that a recruit has to be the sense of helping the community, that is the most important in my opinion.
That does sound important for recruits to be a part of the community they are supposed to protect. It would build up trust between officer and community person.