Would you rather go to jail for a year or live in your car for a year?


Active Member
LOL I would rather sleep in my car than have to share a cell with someone I don't know. I wouldn't have to be told when I could go outside or when to eat. I love having control and in jail there is no control.


Well-Known Member
SO easy lol. I would pick my car. I could live in a tent the rest of my life, I could certainly live in a car lol. I would probably love it. There is no way I would do well in prison. I suck at conflict and I'd be beaten up for how often I complain about the food lol. And I'd never shower, haha.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather live in a car for a year because at least you're free and can go as you please. Being locked up is stressing and frustrating, as all of you're liberties are gone. Anyone who'd rather be locked up is a bit off in the head and their opinions are obscured.


Well-Known Member
I've been to jail just county for a few days. I'll take the car for $500 Alex. I promise if you have never been to jail it will humble you in a hurry. People take so many little parts of life for granite once you are locked away those little things become big things in a hurry. You can put me in a car any day of the week WHY????? I'm free point blank, and simple. If I had to be locked up for a year I'd just as well be dead.


Well-Known Member
It would be the car for me. At least if I was living in my car I would still have freedom to come and go as I please. I would even be able to still drive around and look at beautiful scenery. In jail all of your freedoms are taken away.


Active Member
At least if you live in jail you get free food, free healthcare, and stuff like that! Nothing is free when you're living in your car...


I've lived in my car for 3 months and I've been to jail once for an undisclosed amount of time. I would pick living in my car any day. At least in your vehicle, homeless or not, you are free. To have that freedom taken away is the most horrendous feeling in the world.


Interesting question...

I hope it doesn't happen to me but just in case it does, I can see myself thriving in both. I know a lot of people who you wouldn't consider "poor" but don't own a real house and instead lives in a trailer.

If I lived in a jail for a year tho... I take advantage of what I have like free food ( I guess that's better than being homeless), do some reading, working out and building muscle doing body weight exercises in my free time.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trade my freedom for anything. So I'd choose to live in my car any time. There's much I've heard about jails . . . rapes, stabbings, etc. It's the sort of stuff I'd want to avoid no matter what it costs me in the process. Since living in a car would at the very least accord me some freedom and a means to avoid what I mentioned above, I'd rather live in a car for one year.


Well-Known Member
I'm fine with living inside my car as long as it contains all my necessities like a nice toilet, a shower, a mini-kitchen, a TV, a DVD player, and a shelf with all of my favorite books. I don't like going to jail because people intimidate me. And police officers are kind of annoying. Just my personal opinion, no offense.